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  乐在其中 译
  The old saying is that you cannot go home again.
   I think one can always go home as long as one does not expect the places and people one left behind to stay the same. Things change. People change, and if one does not learn anything at all in life, one must learn early in life that change is inevitable. This is a fact and the only sure thing as we live our lives.
  I have also learned that one must never live in the past. This only creates problems; therefore, to live an 1)authentic life one must live in the present, the here and now. One must live as if this is the last day on earth, but learn, care, and love as if life is forever. One cannot change the past, but one can always look and plan and hope for a better future. An African proverb my father taught me says it better, “Castles are only built in the future.”
  For obvious reasons I found great 2)solace in these thoughts as I prepared to go home after several years of absence from my beloved country. I found in these thoughts the will and the pattern to live away from my original home. I had learned to accept the inevitability of life as I set out for home. Finally, I was aware that ultimately there would be that day when the illusion of life would cease and the end would come even for me.
  I seem to be 3)ahead of myself. My name is not important, but what I have to say here and how these thoughts are connected and related to each other is very important. I just happened to be the storyteller as we say in my language. It is amazing how one thing always leads to another and to larger issues and finally to life and living itself.
  Just before noon, the car, from 4)Accra the capital to 5)Suhum about fifty miles north, was stopped at a security road checkpoint on the 6)outskirts of Suhum where my mother now lived. I sat in the car and just looked out of the windows; however, I was very angry with myself and those who had stopped me. A 7)potbellied soldier with scars on his cheeks walked up and asked the driver to open the 8)trunk of the car. I told myself that I should resist getting angry. I now realized that I had been so out of touch with the reality of what was currently happening in my native country and all of Africa. Still I could not believe that this was my beloved native country I was actually visiting at this moment in time.
  My mind flashed back to KuKuhill Estates, my beloved home on the hill at 9)OSU in Ghana. I thought about my favorite time when I was growing up—especially the noonday when lunch was prepared for Daddy by my mother and served by the servants. The kitchen was a separate building all by itself and was the center of all household activities. Oh, how I loved watching my mother create, as if by magic, one of her extraordinary and delicious meals...
  I could not believe it. I had to wake up. Kukuhill was no more it had become a medical center. I was 10)choked with tears. It had taken me a bone-rattling three hours to drive from Accra to Suhum. There was an element of 11)poignancy to the journey and an uncertainty that I could not explain to myself.
  In spite of the way I was feeling, I was still 12)stunned by the beauty of my beloved country. I was amazed at how little the land itself had changed. The trees on the plains and forests weighed down with ripe mangoes, bananas, 13)papayas, black berries, coconuts, 14)guavas, and 15)cashew nuts. At the 16)makeshift stands along the route north from Accra to Suhum, street 17)vendors 18)spilled out into the highway with people touching and 19)jostling at each other. This was always how it had been. I suddenly decided to take charge of our current situation and responded to the order of the security guard to open the trunk of the car.
  I got out of the car and said to the security guard in 20)Pidgin English, “My friend, how you dey?” This meant, “How are you my friend?” He replied in a friendly manner, “I dey like I don dey.” This meant “So- so.” “You master, you be good friend.” He meant, “You are a good friend, Sir.” I continued, “I be in a hurry. I dey go see my mama, I no see for plenty years.” As I spoke, I raised my ten fingers. He responded, now smiling, “Yes sah, yes sah, yes sah, master. You go tell Mama I say her son den come home safe.” What he was trying to say was, “Go sir, go and tell your mother her son is home now.” Up to now my visit was clearly not a pleasant nor an enjoyable one for me. Perhaps he made it bearable just for a few minutes.
  When I stepped into the half-sunken room that doubled as a shop for my mother, it led me straight into the courtyard. I was met and greeted by a 21)portly and elderly 22)tenant of my mother who ran the 23)palm wine bar next door. He took my hand and led me to his palm wine bar. The bar was really a 24)rickety 25)verandah in front of a large room 26)stacked with bottles and over the verandah hung a sign that read, “Palm Wine Bar.”
  Back at the airport, I was silent and 27)somber as I waited for my return flight to the United States. The spiritual food I came to find in all its abundance had left most of my hunger untouched or 28)unabated. Like much of what had passed my lips, the trip had been sweet and sour, rich and bitter. I realized that you can never go home again and I realized that when I returned to the United States I would have a lot of unpacking. Not only would I have to physically unpack my belong-ings, but I will also have a lot of mental and spiritual unpacking to do.

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诗歌赏析:    这首《My Papa’s Waltz》曾经引起很大的争议,不少人认为是写酗酒的父亲虐待年幼的孩子。其实这首诗是作者上大学时为了纪念刚刚去吐的父亲写的。诗歌回忆儿时与喝到微醺的父亲翩然起舞的往事,洋溢着孺幕情怀,这份亲情比酒更香甜醉人,从儿时的记忆一直蔓延到成长过程中的每一次回忆的场景。  原文韵式是ABAB,主要是采用了抑扬三步格,使整首诗读上去就像一首华尔兹。