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由著名保加利亚学者阿·李洛夫(Ал.Лилов)撰写的《艺术创作的本性》一书已由中国社会科学院外国文学研究所郭家申教授译成中文,不久将与广大中国读者见面。《艺术创作的本性》是一部力求以马克思主义观点对艺术创作本性的一些最基本问题进行理论探讨的学术专著。它研究的主要对象是艺术创作的智情基础,艺术创作的多方面因素和发展机制,以及它与艺术本性有关 The book “Nature of Art Creation” written by the famous Bulgarian scholar Ал.Лилов has been translated into Chinese by Professor Guo Jiashen from the Institute of Foreign Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and will soon meet with a broad audience of Chinese readers. “The Nature of Artistic Creation” is an academic monograph that attempts to theoretically probe into some of the most basic problems of the nature of artistic creation from a Marxist point of view. Its main object of study is the intellectual foundation of artistic creation, the various factors and development mechanism of artistic creation, and its relation to artistic nature
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1、6岁小男孩东东与一群同龄儿童聚在一起做游戏。 1,6-year-old boy stuff with a group of children of the same age together to play the game.
江苏省南通市近日爆出一条新闻:一个从事中小学教学研究工作仅30多人的地市级教研室,竟有6人涉嫌贪污受贿,不久前已被市崇山区人民检察院立案查处。 该教研室利用某些家长望
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1、白霞在海天花苑买了一套三房两厅,一家人欢欢喜喜搬进新居。 1, Bai Xia Haitian Garden bought a three-bedroom and two-hall, a family joyfully moved into the new
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