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  By Gong Chang
  According to a report published by the United Nations International Trade Conference on global investment in 2001, nearly 400 of the world‘s top 500 transnational corporation have invested in China. The same report also indicates that the country is becoming a production, procurement and research and development (R&D) base for more and more transnational companies. For eight years in a row, China has attracted more foreign investment than any other country in the developing world. Thanks to its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a rapid, stable development of its economy, China has become increasingly attractive to transnational investors as a market with an immensely great potential for expansion and as an economy enjoying a bright prospect for development.
  Despite a slowdown of the global economy, the Chinese economy continues to grow at a rapid pace. Transnational companies have come to recognize China as the last market with a large potential to be tapped. To a transnational company, failure to seize a share of the Chinese market and implement a sound China strategy would mean inability to execute a global strategy in step with the accelerating process of economic globalization. According to the competent Chinese authorities, foreign investment in China will continue to grow in 2002, most likely to US$50 billion.
  New Characteristics of Transnational Corporation Investment
  1. A constant increase in investment by transnational companies, accompanied by attempts by transnational companies to invest in all sectors of the Chinese economy.
  Back in the 1990s, a project involving some US$10 million in investment by a transnational company would be classified as large in size. In more recent years, however, foreign-invested projects valued at US$100 million or even more are no longer rare. Shell, for example, is investing US$4 billion in Guangdong Province. Not long ago, Motorola decided to invest US$2 billion in a project in Tianjin Municipality to produce semi-conductors and communications products for Asian markets. Intel, on its part, is investing US$300 million in expansion of its IC sealing factory in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai. Volkswagonwerk A.G. has announced a decision to earmark US$2.2 billion in supplementary investment for developing new auto models in China and improving its marketing network in the country.
  Transnational companies are investing not only in production as in the past, but also in R&D, procurement, marketing and post-sales services in an attempt to develop China into a center for their global business operations. Gone are those years when transnational companies just chose a single project or a single product to invest. They are now investing in entire industries, in their upstream, midstream and downstream operations. Many of them are moving their manufacturing sector to China, on account of China‘s relatively inexpensive labor and in view of the fact that manufactured goods are in excess supply in the country. Toshiba has already moved to China its manufacture of color TV sets, which it sells back in Japan. Ericsson spends a daily average of RMB40 million yuan (US$4.82 million) on purchase of raw and semi-processed materials on the Chinese market, its annual purchase for 2000 reaching RMB14.9 billion (US$1.79 billion). In terms of value, raw and semi-processed materials produced in China account for 47% of the total used by Sino-Japanese joint venture companies in the country. For Sino-U.S. joint venture companies, the figure is 57%. For Volkswagonwerk A.G., it is as high as 87%.
  2. More international corporate investment in high-tech industries in China
  Back in 1997, only 13% of the companies in China funded by transnational companies were able to use advanced technologies developed by their parent companies. According to the competent Chinese authorities, the figure had shot up to 41% by 2001 and will continue to grow and may eventually exceed 50%. Of the 13 models being produced in China by transnational carmakers in 2002, at least ten are rated as globally up to date.
  High-tech industries are becoming increasingly hot. Bell (Shanghai) has decided to make an additional investment of US$110 million in its China operations. Ever since it started its first factory in the Pudong New Areas in Shanghai, Intel (China) has twice made additional investment and, as a result, the factory‘s total capital investment has grown from US$95.1 million to US$198 million. It is learned that Intel has decided to expand its Shanghai factory into an IC production center for global supply.
  The number of R&D centers set up by transnational corporations in China had, by 2001, exceeded 124, and 12 more are being set up in the country this year, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Of those centers already in operation, about 100 belong to American companies including Microsoft, General Electric, IBM, du Pont and P&G. R&D spending averages US$5 million a year for Intel, Motorola, Microsoft and Matsushita. What merits special mention is the fact that at least 16 R&D centers serve the global needs of their transnational owners, and 12 centers of that caliber are being set up in 2002. At the 2002 Beijing International High-tech Fair held in May, the Ericsson CEO said that from now on, the company would take steps to shift its R&D to China. Not long afterwards, the Ericsson China Research Institute was set up in the Chinese capital.
  Most R&D centers set up by transnational companies are in major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, and specialize in development of computer, software, communications, automobile, pharmaceutical and other high-tech technologies.
  Changes in Investment Strategies and Management by Transnational Companies
  Increasing numbers of transnational companies have chosen Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai to seat their regional headquarters, indicating an eye-catching change in their investment strategies. According to a recent issue of the Fortune magazine, some 92% of the transnational companies already operating in China are planning to have their regional headquarters seated in the country. According to statistics provided by Chinese authorities, 36 transnational companies have set up regional headquarters in Beijing and Shanghai, and more will do so over the next few years.
  Transnational companies are paying ever greater attention to development and exploitation of locally available human resources, realizing that local managers and workers have a better understanding of the local customer demand and are in a better position to help develop enterprise cultures with local characteristics. Motorola (Tianjin) employed more than 8,000 Chinese workers at the end of 2001. Nokia (China) now employs nearly 4,000 Chinese men and women, accounting for 90% of the total hired for its China operations. Steadily increasing is the number of Chinese working on senior managerial posts in China operations of transnational companies, among whom those with a local background while rich in experiences in overseas operations are most valued.
  Along with a steady increase in the number of Chinese taking senior managerial posts, gone forever are those years when such posts were taken almost exclusively by foreign nationals. In some transnational companies, foreign managers have the task of training Chinese employees in managerial expertise and will leave for other assignments after Chinese employees become good enough to replace them.
  Eyeing their development in China for long-term interests, Microsoft, IMB, Ericsson and some other transnational companies have set up training centers in the country to build up a contingent of experts they need for business expansion. Moreover, they are trying to lure in potential talent through cooperation with the best Chinese schools of higher learning or by providing scholarships to students there. These transnational companies know only too well that in a sense, investment in development of human resources may eventually turn out to be more important than capital investment in fixed assets. This understanding has prompted IBM to invest US$100 million in programs at Chinese schools of higher learning to train computer experts. For this year, IBM has pledged to provide software supports and solutions that are valued at RMB60 million (US$7.22 million) to the first batch of schools started by the Chinese Ministry of Education for development of software. Microsoft announced a decision not long ago to invest and donate a total of RMB200 million yuan (US$24 million) in three years to promote training of Chinese software experts. It has also planned cooperation with Peking University and four other leading schools in Beijing in software development.
  International investment assumes two main forms, establishment of new companies (joint venture companies and companies under sole foreign proprietorship) and merger through international acquisition. The process of merger can be completed in just a few months. In contrast, it may take years to start a new company. Before the mid-1990s, establishment of new companies was the dominant form of foreign investment in China. In more recent years, however, transnational investors have developed a greater preference for merger, believing that merger generates quicker and better economic results while involving less risks. In January 1998, Kodak bought three Chinese photosensitive materials factories - Gongyuan in Shantou of Guangdong, Fuda in Xiamen of Fujian and Armer in Wuxi of Jiangsu - with a total of US$360 million, and that has proved to be an economic success.
  According to reports issued by competent Chinese authorities, investment made through mergers accounts for somewhere between five and six percent of total investment China has received from transnational companies. In contrast, up to 90% of the investment made by transnational companies worldwide assumes the form of merger. The figure for China will definitely grow along with improvement in China‘s capital market and liberalization of China‘s investment policies in line with the WTO rules and principles. It is safe to say that transnational companies will concentrate on merger activities in China‘s knowledge-intensive sectors, such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, physical distribution, wholesales, retailing, foreign trade and consulting.
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