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中共广东省委对法制建设、立法工作高度重视,把提高立法质量作为促进广东加快实现“三个定位、两个率先”总目标的战略举措。围绕此,广东省人大常委会的主要做法如下:接地气通下情开展调研,了解人民群众对立法的新期盼2013年4月至6月,围绕“新形势下人大立法工作如何为广东改革发展稳定创造良好法治环境”的主题,我们组成了5个调研组分赴全省各地开展立法调研。在调研的基础上,全面研究分析广东经济社会发展进入新阶段后所反映出的社会新需求和人民新期盼,并经广泛征求意见、认真论证评估、充分统筹协调,制定了《广东省十二届人大常委会立法规划》,确定3类共88件法规作为立法规划项目。在项目安排上体 The CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee attaches great importance to the construction of the legal system and to the legislative work, and takes the improvement of the quality of legislation as a strategic measure to accelerate the realization of the overall goal of “three orientations and two firsts” in Guangdong. Around this, the main practices of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress are as follows: Grounding Qitong carried out research to understand the people’s new expectations for legislation From April 2013 to June 2013, focusing on “how the legislation of the People’s Congress Reform and development to create a stable environment for the rule of law ”theme, we formed a group of five research components throughout the province to carry out legislative research. On the basis of the investigation and study, we comprehensively study and analyze the new social needs and new expectations of the people after Guangdong’s economic and social development entered a new stage. After extensively soliciting opinions, earnestly arguing and assessing, fully coordinating and coordinating, we formulated the “Guangdong Province Ten Legislative Planning of the Standing Committee of the Second Session of the NPC Standing Committee ”to determine 88 categories of 3 categories as legislative planning projects. Arrange the body in the project
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我爷爷八十岁时,牙全不管用了;但他重吃,大鱼大肉、浓烟酽茶地过了一辈子。记得他八十六岁过世前也常嘴馋,每次母亲总细心地把乌鱼子、鲍鱼之类他最喜欢的食物做成像婴儿食物般的泥状,给爷爷办一桌“盛筵”。那是头一次我感觉到,不管多老,快乐地吃饭就是在诉说生命的欢喜。  我也看到九十六岁辞世前的奶奶,即使年迈,仍然每天慎重愉快地进行她的每一餐。奶奶六十岁后突然决定吃素,她的餐点简单,但形式异常隆重,每餐费时
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黄耳是一只名狗,是西晋文豪陆机非常喜欢的一只狗。  南北朝时期的大数学家,就是那个将圆周率推算准确到小数点后七位数字的祖冲之,他还写有文学作品《述异记》,这部作品里就有黄耳的传奇。  陆机家是上海松江的豪门,年轻的时候,也很有公子派,喜欢游览射猎,后面跟着一群马仔,奔东驰西,感觉超好。有个门客见此,献给他一只跑得很快的狗,名字叫“黄耳”。  黄耳异常机灵,能听得懂人话,它的到来,使陆机的射猎活动成
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亲爱的,我在苏堤晨跑。  早上在杨公堤醒来,穿衣起来往窗户外面看了一眼,怀疑自己还在梦里,定了定神用力再看:外面花圃里的白玉兰开得啊树枝都承受不了!这花很奇怪,满树没有一片树叶,树枝也细细的,但花朵肥实硕大,尖俏俏地独独在枝头绽放。远点的玉兰是一片白色,近点的是一层粉色,粉粉白白、层层叠叠蔓延到窗子下面。唉,你不在,它们开了又有什么用?你不在,我又为什么要来?是的,你说得没错,有些风景静止不动却又
从6月中旬开始,我所在的二炮某新型导弹旅,抽出一千余人和数百台装备车辆,跨区机动千里,至高原某训练基地,展开长达一个多月带实战背景的连续突防训练演练,着力提 Starting