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目的:观察并比较莪术对正常和血瘀证孕大鼠子代学习记忆能力影响的差异。方法:Wistar雌性大鼠随机平均分为正常组和血瘀证模型组,采用0.1 mg/只sc盐酸肾上腺素与冰水浴相结合的方法制备大鼠血瘀证模型。造模结束后,按2∶1雌雄合笼,受孕后正常组和血瘀证组孕鼠分别随机分为1.4,2.8,5.6 g.kg-1莪术组和对照组,共8个亚组。孕鼠于妊娠第6 d~19 d连续ig给予不同剂量的莪术水煎液,共给药14 d,于仔鼠生后28 d进行Morris水迷宫测试。结果:正常大鼠和血瘀证大鼠给予莪术暴露后两者仔鼠学习记忆能力存在差异。在莪术高剂量组,第2,3,4天正常大鼠组仔鼠逃避潜伏期(44.87±10.99)s,(33.95±4.29)s,(23.29±3.56)s较血瘀组(38.11±5.40)s,(29.11±5.40)s,(19.59±2.58)s明显延长,过台次数(6.30±1.71)次,(5.15±1.18)次,明显减少(均P<0.05),而血瘀证模型大鼠组仔鼠的逃避潜伏期和过台次数与对照组比较均无显著性差异。结论:莪术对正常大鼠和血瘀证模型大鼠的仔鼠学习记忆能力损伤的影响具有差异,对正常大鼠的毒性效应更明显。 Objective: To observe and compare the differences of the effects of Curcuma on the learning and memory abilities of the offspring of normal rats and blood stasis syndrome rats. Methods: Wistar female rats were randomly divided into normal group and model group of blood stasis. Rats model of blood stasis was prepared by a combination of 0.1 mg / sc epinephrine hydrochloride and ice water bath. After modeling, according to 2: 1 male and female cage, pregnant rats in normal group and blood stasis syndrome group were randomly divided into 1.4, 2.8 and 5.6 g.kg-1 Curcuma group and control group, totally 8 subgroups. The pregnant rats were treated with different dosages of Ezhu decoction continuously on the 6th to 19th day of gestation for 14 days. The Morris water maze test was performed on the 28th day of gestation. Results: The learning and memory abilities of the offspring rats and the rats with blood stasis syndrome were different after the Curcuma exposure. In Curcuma high dose group, escape latency (44.87 ± 10.99 s), (33.95 ± 4.29) s and (23.29 ± 3.56) s were significantly higher than those in blood stasis group (38.11 ± 5.40) s, (29.11 ± 5.40) s and (19.59 ± 2.58) s were significantly longer than that of the control group (6.30 ± 1.71) and (5.15 ± 1.18) times, respectively (all P <0.05) There was no significant difference in escape latency and number of Taiwan offspring rats compared with the control group. Conclusion: The effect of Curcuma on the learning and memory abilities of the offspring of normal rats and blood stasis syndrome rats are different, and the toxic effect on normal rats is more obvious.
1996年5月12日我应女婿贾文辉(英文名 LUKE)之请,由洛杉矶去旧金山旅游。时值美国母亲节。文辉与我女儿丹薇(乳名咪咪)买了许多冰莹喜食的水果点心去探望她。我与老伴同去,
1951年7月,当中华人民共和国如一轮旭日刚刚在东方喷薄而出之时,年仅16岁的成思危只身离家出走,在薄薄的晨雾中跨过香港罗湖桥头,大步走进了新中国的怀抱; In July 1951, w
黑暗效应是指在光线比较暗的场所,约会双方彼此看不清对方表情,就很容易减少戒备感而产生安全感。在这种情况下,彼此产生亲近的可能性就会远远高于光线比较亮的场所。心理学家将这种现象称之为“黑暗效应”。  在与学生、家长沟通,包括亲子沟通中,有时,恰当运用这一效应,可取得意想不到的效果。  刚刚毕业的这届,我的一位优秀的同事所带的班级,有一个性格相当内向、情绪一直低落、学习一塌糊涂的“短指头”,暂且称他为