
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cherrydarling
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Objectives: This study sought to assess the influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) and the impact of hypoglycemic treatment(insulin vs. noninsulin) on platelet function profiles in patients treated with dual oral antiplatelet therapy. Background: Insulin inhibits platelet aggregation by suppressing the P2Y12 pathway. However, T2DM patients have a loss of responsiveness to insulin that leads to upregulation of the P2Y12 pathway, increased platelet reactivity, and reduced responsiveness to antiplatelet agents. Patients with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus(ITDM) have a more advanced disease status and higher atherothrombotic risk compared with non-ITDM (NITDM).However, the impact of insulin therapy on platelet dysfunction in patients treated with P2Y12 antagonists is unknown. Methods: A total of 201 T2DM and 65 nondiabetic patients with coronary artery disease in a steady phase of aspirin and clopidogrel treatment were studied. Platelet aggregation was assessed using agonists specific(6 and 20 μM adenosine diphosphate[ADP]) and nonspecific(6 μg/ml collagen and 20 μM epinephrine) for the P2Y12 pathway. High shear-induced platelet reactivity was assessed by means of the PFA-100 system(Dade-Behring International, Miami, Florida). Results: The T2DM patients had platelet aggregation and shear-induced platelet function significantly increased compared with nondiabetic patients using all assays. Platelet aggregation was increased in ITDM(n=68) compared with NITDM(n=133) patients after P2Y12-specific stimuli. Insulin treatment was the strongest predictor of ADP-induced aggregation. Platelet function profiles were similar between ITDM and NITDM using assays nonspecific to the P2Y12 pathway. Platelet dysfunction was independent of glycemic control and inflammatory status. Conclusions: The P2Y12-dependent and -independent pathways of platelet reactivity are altered in T2DM compared with nondiabetic patients, and ITDM have greater ADP-induced platelet aggregation compared with NITDM. Objectives: This study sought to assess the influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and the impact of hypoglycemic treatment (insulin vs. noninsulin) on platelet function profiles in patients treated with dual oral antiplatelet therapy. the P2Y12 pathway. However, T2DM patients have a loss of responsiveness to insulin that leads to upregulation of the P2Y12 pathway, increased platelet reactivity, and reduced responsiveness to antiplatelet agents. Patients with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM) have a more advanced disease Status and higher atherothrombotic risk compared with non-ITDM (NITDM). Despite, the impact of insulin therapy on platelet dysfunction in patients treated with P2Y12 antagonists is unknown. Methods: A total of 201 T2DM and 65 nondiabetic patients with coronary artery disease in a steady phase of aspirin and clopidogrel treatment were studied. Platelet aggregation was assessed using agonists speci High shear-induced platelet reactivity was assessed by means of the PFA-100 system (Dade-Behring) (6 and 20 μM adenosine diphosphate [ADP]) and nonspecific (6 μg / ml collagen and 20 μM epinephrine) International, Miami, Florida. Results: The T2DM patients had platelet aggregation and shear-induced platelet function significantly increased compared with nondiabetic patients using all assays. Platelet aggregation was increased in ITDM (n = 68) compared with NITDM patients after P2Y12-specific stimuli. Insulin treatment was the strongest predictor of ADP-induced aggregation. Platelet function profiles were similar between ITDM and NITDM using assays nonspecific to the P2Y12 pathway. Platelet dysfunction was independent of glycemic control and inflammatory status. Conclusions: The P2Y12-dependent and-dependent pathways of platelet reactivity are altered in T2DM compared with nondiabetic patients, and ITDM have greater ADP-induced platelet aggregation compare d with NITDM.
摘要:“五大”体系实施后,专业管理水平和工作效率必将得到大幅度提升,由于专业间壁垒增高,特别是城区供电分公司合并后配电和营销专业分开,原来由分公司内部协调而变成两大管理体系之间的沟通,必然会导致分工不明确、职责真空、业务衔接不畅等现象的发生。为此,就城区线损管理模式及抢修服务管理模式存在的主要问题及解决方案进行了阐述。  关键词:新体系;线损管理;抢修服务  作者简介:陈愉(1970-),女,辽宁
现代建筑学随着城市化的发展,也取得了很大的发展和进步,这种情况下现代建筑学已经不仅仅满足于对传统建筑学的继承,而是在不断的发展过程中逐步的实现对建筑学的创新。 Wit
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