
来源 :中国建筑装饰装修 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdfsfd454554
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精选理由该项目处于西湖申遗成功之初,设计师的理念关键在于将文化融入其中,同时极其崇敬建筑本身,一切从功能出发,在力求对原初景观保护下,打造新中式风格。莲庄会所坐落于西湖老十景之花港观鱼之内。其临湖而建,近揽苏堤,远眺雷峰,一派天堂胜景。该处会所原为两幢临湖小楼,外观清雅隽丽,是新中国成立后建造的极致优秀的园林建筑,唯闲置数载略欠维缮。立意初始,景区及委托方均极希望能将此处改建成一处清雅简者的场所,既不负造物之天赐,又可作贤达之馆堂。其用途主要为:其主楼一层为前厅、多功能厅西餐厅,功能上与大多会 Selected reason The project is at the beginning of the success of the West Lake inscription, the key idea of ​​the designer is to integrate culture into them, while most revered building itself, all from the function, and strive to protect the original landscape, to create a new Chinese style. Lotus Zhuang Club is located in the West Lake old ten King of Flower within the harbor. It is built near the lake, embraced nearly embankment, overlooking Leifeng, paradise heaven. The clubhouse was originally two small lakefront buildings, elegant appearance Junli, is the ultimate after the founding of New China’s outstanding garden architecture, only a few idle slightly less maintenance. At the beginning of the conception, the scenic spot and the entrusting party all hoped that this place could be reconstructed into an elegant and simple place, which is neither a god-given creator nor a wise man. Its main purposes are: the main building for the lobby, multi-function hall restaurant, functionally and most of the meeting
本文在给出了液压挖掘机反铲工作装置模块化设计方法的整体思路之后,讨论了反铲工作装置基本机构模块库的生成方法和最优反铲工作装置自动拼装的算法,最后还作了实例计算。 Af
一提起珲春矿务局三道岭煤矿领导班子关心职工生活疾苦,为职工解决困难的事,矿上的干部、职工无不心服口服。 服他们什么呢?服他们对矿工的关怀无微不至,服他们把拳拳爱心洒
A famous senior architect, Philip Johnson,compares architec-tural design trend of thought to a river, collecting many tribu-taries and going to the Ocean. Now a