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鹰潭铁路一中熊光佑老师在“强化德育功能、深化教学改革、优化教学过程”的改革思想指导下,近年来开展了校内校外双管齐下的政治课教学改革。在校内以“七字教学法”改革课堂教学,在校外建立教学基地,聘请工农兵为兼职教师,组织、指导学生进行社会调查。 “七字教学法”即“读、写、议、评、讲、练、问”。这七个字就是七个教学环节。这些环节中最有特色的是“写”。“写”就是在“读”的基础上让两个学生代表所在学习小组板书读书心得提纲,又让两位学生板书自己设计的复习题。这四位学生板书完毕后,他们本组的同学可以作更正或补充,这七个环节都贯穿着小组学习竞赛活动,其中最关键的环节则是“读、议、评”。抓好了“读”,就为其它环节的学习奠定了扎实基础;搞好了“议、评”则为理解消化、掌握知识提供了可靠保证。 Ying Guangwu, Yingtan Railway No. 1 teacher under the guidance of the reform thinking of “strengthening the function of moral education, deepening teaching reform, and optimizing the teaching process”, has carried out a two-pronged political teaching reform outside school on campus. In the school, the “seven-character teaching method” reforms classroom teaching, establishes a teaching base outside the school, hires workers, peasants and soldiers as part-time teachers, and organizes and guides students to conduct social investigations. “Seven-character teaching method” means “read, write, discuss, comment, speak, practice, and ask.” These seven words are seven teaching steps. The most characteristic of these links is “writing.” “Write” is a review question that allows two student representatives to study the group’s board-based reading on the basis of “reading” and let two students write their own books. After the completion of the four students’ board writing, the students in this group can make corrections or supplements. These seven steps all run through the group to study the competition. The most crucial link is “read, discuss, comment”. Grasping the “reading” has laid a solid foundation for the other aspects of learning; doing a good job of “conference and review” provides a reliable guarantee for understanding and digesting and mastering knowledge.
一.填空题 1.党和国家殷切期望全国少年儿童在__、__、__等方面全面发展,成为__、__、__、的“四有”新人。 2.亚运工程奇迹告诉我们:在__的领导下,只要全国人民__,就能排除
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党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是近两年,固原县依靠人民群众多渠道筹措资金,从抓改善办学 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, especially in