
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kobeantoni198774
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沙打旺是黄土丘陵沟壑区大力推广的优良绿肥牧草和保土植物。由于本区无霜期短,积温值低等原因,原有引进沙打旺品种(引进江苏省涟水),播种当年不结实或结实很少,严重影响了种植面积的扩大。为了解决这个问题,1982年从辽宁省农科院引进二号、四号沙打旺两个品系,进行了小区试验和生产示范,表现生育期短、当年结实、产籽量高等特性。 一、生育期短、当年结实。从物候期看:二号、四号沙打旺第一年出苗到现蕾比绥德原生产品种提早31天,出苗到初花提早33天,出苗至盛花为118天,原品种当年未进入盛花期。二号、四号品系三月下旬种植,当年开花结实,原品种只有41%植株开花。成穗率二号、四号分别为86.6%,83.3%,原品种只有个别植株花序成穗。 第二年二号返青至现蕾比原品种提早38天,四号提早35天,返青至盛花二号提早30天,四号提早 Astragalus Mongolian loess hill and gully area is vigorously promote the fine green forage grass and soil-protected plants. Due to the short frost-free period and low accumulated temperature in the area, the original introduction of Shatangwang breed (introduction of Lianshui in Jiangsu Province) was not strong or strong in the sowing year, seriously affecting the expansion of planting area. In order to solve this problem, in 1982, Liaoning Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences introduced No. 2 and No. 4 sand Wangwang two lines, conducted a plot test and production demonstration, the performance of short growth period, then strong, high yield seed characteristics. First, the growth period is short, then strong. From the phenology period: No. 2, No. 4 sand first year emergence to budding than the original production of Suide 31 days earlier, early emergence of 33 days early emergence, emergence of flowers to 118 days, the original species did not enter Full bloom. On the 2nd and 4th lines were planted in late March, when flowering was strong, only 41% of the original varieties had flowering plants. Into the spike rate on the 2nd, the fourth were 86.6%, 83.3%, the original species only individual plant inflorescences. The second year back to green on the 2nd to the bud earlier than the original 38 days, on the 4th early 35 days, returning to Shenghua II on the 30th, early on the 4th
目的:膝骨关节炎(Knee Osteoarthritis,KOA)是一种多发于中老年人的慢性退行性骨关节疾病,其在我国的发病率较高且呈现上升趋势,所以是我国临床医务人员研究的热点问题。已有众多
目的:   基于反复实验研究证实对实验性脂肪肝有显著防治作用的临床验方祛湿化瘀方,以其方中部分已知组分,探求具有防治NAFLD效应的由中药有效组分组成的复方。   方法: 