群星荟萃国庆夜 激情挥洒红谷滩——“红谷滩之夜”国庆大型文艺晚会侧记

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2003年9月30日晚,赣水那边的红谷滩灯如花,人如海。灯光、人群、车辆、歌舞、烟火等等.共同营造了一个令人难忘的激情之夜。人们盼望已久的红谷滩之夜国庆大型文艺晚会在这里隆重举行。晚会现场的气氛热烈而喜庆。钢铁铸造灯火辉煌的舞台有如激情四溢的灯塔,显得浪漫、现代,充满了阳刚之气。舞台两旁的建筑也都被灯光和祝贺单位的大红标语装饰。整个场面蔚为壮观。整台晚会由中共江西省委宣传部、中共南昌市委、南昌市人民政府、江西省文联、江西省广电局主办.由中共南昌市委宣传部、江西电视台、红谷滩新区管委会、南昌高新技术产业开发区管委会等单位承办。为保证晚会的圆满成功,省委宣传部、南昌 On the evening of September 30, 2003, the Red Valley beach lantern blossoms on the Gan River and people like the sea. Lights, crowds, vehicles, song and dance, fireworks, etc. together create an unforgettable night of passion. Long-awaited Honggu Beach Night National Day large-scale variety show held here. The atmosphere at the party was lively and festive. Iron and steel casting brilliant stage like a passionate beacon, it seems romantic, modern, full of masculinity. The buildings on either side of the stage are also decorated with the red banners of lights and congratulation units. The whole scene is magnificent. The party was sponsored by Propaganda Department of CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee, Nanchang Municipal Committee of CPC, People’s Government of Nanchang, Wenlian of Jiangxi Province and Radio and Television Bureau of Jiangxi Province, and was sponsored by Propaganda Department of CPC Nanchang Committee, Jiangxi TV Station, Honggutan New District Administrative Committee, Nanchang High-tech Industry Development Zone and other units contractors. To ensure the successful party, Provincial Propaganda Department, Nanchang
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