
来源 :计划经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinhongtao2009
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1990年市场安排总的要求是:继续坚持以稳定为中心,认真贯彻计划经济和市场调节相结合的原则,充分发挥主渠道的作用,一手抓好人民生活必需品的供应,保证市场大局的稳定;一手抓好开拓市场和搞活市场,千方百计扩大商品销售,以销促购,以购促产,促进国民经济持续稳定、协调地发展和城乡市场的持续稳定、活跃和繁荣。在市场的具体安排上,应当体现以下主要指导思想: 第一,要服从稳定这个大局。稳定是压倒一切的。市场的安排和调控必须有利于经济的稳定和社会的稳定。市场稳住了,可以反过来促进经济的稳定和社会的稳定。同时还要注意处理好稳定市场同开拓、搞活市场的关系,稳定是繁荣、活跃市场的前提,而开拓、搞活更 The general requirements of the market arrangement in 1990 are: continue to insist on stability as the center, earnestly implement the principle of combining planned economy with market adjustment, give full play to the role of the main channel, single-handedly do a good job in the supply of people’s necessities, and ensure the overall market stability; We must do our utmost to open up markets and invigorate the market. We must do everything possible to expand the sales of goods, promote purchases through sales, promote production through purchases, promote sustained, stable and coordinated development of the national economy, and ensure the continued stability, prosperity, and prosperity of the urban and rural markets. In the specific arrangement of the market, the following main guiding ideology should be embodied: First, we must obey the overall situation of stability. Stability is overwhelming. The arrangement and control of the market must be conducive to economic stability and social stability. Stabilizing the market can, in turn, promote economic stability and social stability. At the same time, we must also pay attention to handling the relationship between stabilizing the market and opening up and invigorating the market. Stability is the prerequisite for a prosperous and active market, and development and invigoration are more important.
本文主要从两部典籍《孔子家语》和《孟子》,对其中孔子的言行进行的客观性地科学性地考辩研究,旨在确定其中的价值,使研究者们获得更大的收获。 This dissertation mainly
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以挣值法为基础,分析了项目成本与进度绩效分析的评价指标,说明了利用MS Project进行机械项目成本与进度集成控制的思路和方法。 Based on the earned value method, this p
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[日本《朝日新闻》2004年10月22日报道] 2004年9月21日,韩国在野民主劳动党的国会议员们透露,韩国曾于20世纪80年代开发用于反坦克贫铀炮弹的铀合金材料。而韩国科学技术部称