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中国人民解放军海军成立半个世纪以来,共印制发行了3套舰艇出访纪念封,每套1枚,即海-1、海-2、海-3。这3套圮念封在海军所有舰艇中,惟有服役仅两年的青岛舰与此有直接的联系。因而,在海军部队中,青岛舰官兵拥有量最大。自1985年至1998年的13年间,我人民海军曾12次派出舰艇编队出访,各组织出访的舰队和院校也设计和发行过纪念封。前年访问美洲四国和东南亚三国时,北海、东海、南海三个舰队也各设计发行了不同的纪念封。海-1 纪念封是海军为两支舰艇编队分别出访美洲四国、东南亚三国凯旋而发行的。1997年2月20日至5月28日,由海军“哈尔滨号”(编队指挥舰)、“珠海号”导弹驱逐舰和“南仓号”综合补给船组成的舰艇编队,在海军南海舰队司令员王永国中将的率领下,访问了美国、墨西哥、秘鲁、智利。总航程为24000多海里。1997年2月27日至3月30日,由海军“青岛号”导弹驱逐舰(编队指挥舰)、“铜陵号”导弹护卫舰组成的舰艇编队,在海军东海舰队司令员杨玉书中将的率领下,访问 Since the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy for half a century, a total of 3 sets of memorabilia for vessel visits have been printed and distributed, one for each set, that is, sea -1, sea -2 and sea -3. These three sets of 圮 read in all the Navy ships, but only Qingdao service ship has only two years in direct contact with this. Therefore, in the naval forces, Qingdao ship officers and soldiers have the largest amount. During the 13 years from 1985 to 1998, the People’s Navy sent naval fleets 12 times and the visiting fleets and institutions of various organizations also designed and issued commemorative seals. When two years ago visited the four countries of the Americas and the three Southeast Asian countries, the three fleets in the North Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea each also designed and issued different commemorative seals. Sea -1 memorabilia seal is the Navy for the two fleet to visit the four countries in the Americas, Southeast Asia triumph and issue. From February 20 to May 28, 1997, a fleet of naval vessels composed of the Navy, the “Harbin Command”, the “Zhuhai” missile destroyer and the “Nangang No.” comprehensive supply ship, Led by the commander of the Navy’s South China Sea Fleet, Lieutenant General Wang Yongguo, he visited the United States, Mexico, Peru and Chile. The total length of more than 24,000 nautical miles. From February 27 to March 30, 1997, a naval formation composed of the Navy, the “Qingdao” missile destroyer (formation command ship) and the “Tongling” missile frigate, was commanded by Yang Yu Shu, Commander of the East China Sea Fleet Led by the visit
研究观察了缺氧 /复氧对体外培养的海马神经元Fos和Jun表达和神经元调亡的影响 ,实验采用培养 1 2d的海马神经元 ,置于 2 0 0 0cm3 的恒温 (36℃ )密闭容器内 ,连续充以无氧
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This study aims to investigate the effects of region and three regional dominated mangrove species(Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum and Kandelia candel)