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由湖南省煤炭科学研究所、中国建材研究院水泥研究所和浙江大学共同承担的国家“七五”科技攻关课题“劣质煤燃烧技术”中的“调整矸石物质组成在流化床锅炉内直接生产低标号水泥的研究”子专题近日通过了技术鉴定。沸腾燃烧是利用低热值煤产汽发电的一种先进的燃烧技术,由于低热值煤灰分高,经沸腾锅炉燃烧后的灰渣产率达60~80%。沸腾炉灰渣(简称沸渣)的一个重要用途是在其中配入30%左右的高标号水泥熟料来生 By the Hunan Provincial Coal Research Institute, Institute of Cement Research Institute of China Building Materials and Zhejiang University shared the national “Seventh Five-Year” scientific and technological project “low-quality coal combustion technology” in the “adjust the waste rock material directly in the production of fluidized bed boiler Low-grade cement research ”sub-topic recently passed the technical appraisal. Boiling combustion is an advanced combustion technology that makes use of low calorific value coal to produce steam and generates 60-80% of ash after being burned in a boil-off boiler due to the high ash content of low calorific value. An important use of boiling furnace slag (referred to as boiling residue) is in which 30% of high-grade cement clinker to be born
The stability of aqueous nano alumina powder suspensions with and without dispersant tri-ammonium citrate (TAC) was investigated by measuring zeta potential at
1题目图2表示出生率、死亡率和种群密度的关系,据此分析得出的正确表述是()A.在K/2时控制有害动物最有效B.图示规律可作为控制人口增长的依据C.该图可用于实践中估 1 Proble
Self-organization in thin micro-films has shown potential for the production of microelements with specific structures and functions; however, little is known a