
来源 :国外油田工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:landa54321
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即使在最佳地层物性条件下, 由于重油和沥青黏度较高, 从地下开采这种稠油也十分困难。对于一些特殊的油藏, 如叠加气顶油藏、底水平顶油藏、高含水饱和度油藏、低孔油藏、热传导性较低的油藏、薄层油藏、垂直裂缝和(或) 裂隙发育的油藏等, 普遍采用热采法生产, 但仍存在很多问题, 且不经济。目前没有合适的提高采收率技术能够经济地适用稠油藏的开发。然而, 这些油藏存在大量的烃类资源, 只有用新工艺、新方法进行勘探开发。最近, 出现了一种适合重油和沥青开采的高新技术, 即蒸汽萃取法。研究表明该技术能效高、环保且使地层改良, 相对于同等的SAGD方法投资少, 本文主要评价蒸汽萃取法对这些特殊油藏的开发效果。已在部分成比例的物理模型上进行了大量的试验研究。蒸汽萃取法的某些试验结果、理论分析及在稠油油田中的适用性在此提出来进行讨论。 Even under the best bedding conditions, it is difficult to mine heavy oil from the ground due to the high viscosity of heavy oil and bitumen. For some special reservoirs, such as superimposed gas-capped reservoirs, bottom-level crest reservoirs, water-saturated reservoirs, low-porosity reservoirs, reservoirs with lower thermal conductivity, thin reservoirs, vertical fractures and / ) Fractured development of reservoirs, etc., commonly used thermal production method, but there are still many problems, and not economical. There is currently no suitable technology for enhanced oil recovery to economically address the development of heavy oil reservoirs. However, there are a large number of hydrocarbon resources in these reservoirs, and only new technologies and new methods for exploration and development are available. Recently, there appeared a high-tech for heavy oil and bitumen mining, namely steam extraction. The research shows that the technology is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and the strata are improved. Compared with the SAGD method, this method has less investment. This paper mainly evaluates the development effect of steam extraction method on these special reservoirs. A large number of experimental studies have been conducted on partially proportional physical models. Some experimental results of steam extraction, theoretical analysis and applicability in heavy oil fields are presented here for discussion.
该文以IBM公司370系列、303X系列机的高档机器及日本M-382、M-280H、S-1000机为例,用比较、分析的方法,介绍了IBM 3081处理机的内部结构及其特点。作者认为,3081处理机的内部
The compound sulforaphane (SFN, 1) has been synthesized via a facile and green synthetic strategy based on the modification of previous methods. Because of its
目的:了解人白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)表达与单疱病毒性角膜炎(Herpessimplex keratitis,HSK)的关系,揭示HSK发病机制。方法:应用流式细胞术(Flow cytometry,