Unit1 Good friends课本要点精练

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  1.What surprised us was that she was so fond of________ (古典的)music.
  2.My father has________(比……活得长)all his brothers and sisters.
  3.We can’t find the right direction in such a large desert without a________(指南针).
  4.On his return from his office,he found the house________(空无一人).
  5.These pleasant________(冒险)on the plain were suddenly put to a stop by the war.
  6.We don’t have enough books for everyone.
  Some of you will have to________(共用).
  7.After dinner the minister made a short ________ (演讲) to the guests.
  8.There were 50 passengers on________(船上) when the ship sank.
  9.We heard them________(争论) in the other room.
  10.We must be________(忠诚的) to our country.
  1.— What does your best friend look like?
  — He’s _______.
  A.smart B.kind C.tall D.rude
  2.He is loyal ___ his company.
  A.for B.in C.atD.to
  3.He was running the red light________ a policeman stopped him.
  A.then B.when C.while D.as
  4.Bob was made________the classroom all by himself.
  A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.cleaned
  5.Can you tell me ___ tomorrow?
  A.what’s the weather going to be like B.what the weather is going to be like
  C.how the weather is going to be like D.how is the weather going to be like
  6.The workers are so________to their company.They won’t leave it although it is in trouble.
  A.fond B.brave C.smart D.loyal
  7.Don’t________with your parents.What you did is quite wrong.
  A.play B.speak C.argue D.discuss
  8.Many people would like to________their pets________ their close friends.
  A.think;of B.develop;as
  C.know;of D.treat;as
  9.You need special________ to work as a nurse.
  A.character B.quality
  C.share D.adventure
  10.A woman is usually afraid to walk alone down a __________ street at night.
  A.desert B.deserted
  C.deserting D.deserts
  11.As your spoken English gets better,_________ your written English.
  A.so does B.so will
  C.such does D.such will
  12.They believe that________ they will defeat the football team.
  A.one day B.the other day
  C.any dayD.either day
  13.Do you know the boy________under the big tree?
  A.lay B.lainC.laying D.lying
  14.— We don’t have enough books.What________ would you like to________?
  — How about two of us________ one?
  15.—Excuse me,is this Mr.Brown’s office?
  —I’m sorry,but Mr.Brown________ works here.He left about three weeks ago.
  A.not nowB.no more
  C.not stillD.no longer
  1.John said,“I like reading adventure stories.”John said that he________reading adventure stories.
  2.She said to me,“I broke your CD player.”She told me that she________ my CD player.
  3.He said,“I’ll come here this morning.”He said he________go there that morning
  4.He said,“I have finished my homework.”He said that he________his homework.
  5.He said,“They are playing games over there.”He said that they________playing games over there.
  6.He said,“My brother failed in the exam.”He said________brother had failed in the
  7.He said to Mary,“How is your mother now?”He asked Mary how________mother was
  8.My teacher said,“she is a good student.”My teacher said________ was a good student
  9.He said to me,“I’ve left my book in your room.”
  He told me that________had left________book in________ room.
  10.The teacher said in class,“The moon moves around the earth.”
  The teacher said in class________ the moon________ around the earth.”
  1.Susan is a quiet girl,and she is not into singing,________ (她也不喜欢跳舞).(nor,fond)
  2.It was so cold last winter that few birds managed to________(从那场大雪中幸存下来).
  3.The police are________(在森林里搜寻)the tourists who have lost their ways.(hunt)
  4.Father of two kids as he is,he is still________ (被当作孩子) by his parents.(treat)
  5.Would you like to________(分享你的经验)with the rest of the group? (share)
  6.The earthquake happened all of a sudden:Chuck was about to leave his home________(就在那时他的房子突然垮了).(when,crash)
  7.________(多关注过程) rather than the result,and you will enjoy a better life.(care)
  8.Although father and I often________(相互争论),we are good friends.(argue)
  9.Don’t forget to________(给我写信) to tell me about your holiday in New York,you know,it is the place I want to visit most.(drop)
  10.Wherever you are,please________(记住我们的友谊).(keep,mind)
  In the movie Cast Away,Chuck is a __1__ .He is __2__busy to have time for his friends.One day the plane he took crashes.He __3__ it and lands on a __4__ island.
  On the island,Chuck has to learn to survive all __5__ .He makes friends with a volleyball he __6__ Wilson.He learns a lot about himself and __7__ that he isn’t a good friend.He talks to Wilson and __8__ him as a friend.Chuck learns that he should have cared more about his friends.When he makes friends with Wilson,He __9__ that friendship is__10__feeling and that we give as much as we take.★
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1. As far as I can see the best thing would be to… (Page 45)  【考点】 as far as 用法  【归纳】 as far as 表示程度、范围,as far as + 宾语,意为“远到,直到”;as far as + 状语从句,意为“就……,尽……,至于……”,这个句型用来引出个人的观点与看法。常用短语:as far as I kno
1. I will look into it immediately. (P34)  【考点】 look的相关短语  【归纳】look into 调查,观察,向里看; look around 环顾四周; look on 旁观; look through 浏览,仔细查看,把……看一遍,过目, 查看,look for 寻找,惹起,招来 ; look after 照顾,照料,注意,关心;look out
一、词语例解    1. technique n 技术;技巧;手段;方法  They need to learn modern management techniques. 他们还得学习现代管理技术。  They used various techniques to get their prisoners to cooperate.他们采用了各种方法使犯人同他们合作。  【联想拓展】technic
1.unless引导条件状语从句  【课文原句】You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim,and you should always wear a life jacket.  【经典考例】We won’t keep winning  games________we keep playing well.(NMET 2006 浙江卷 )
一、词语例解  1. intend vt. 1)想要;打算;计划  I intend to get there as soon as I can.我打算尽快赶到那里。  The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character 作者显然想读者同情主人公。  2) 意指  He hadn’t intended