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《建议》提出“十一五”时期要“立足科学发展,着力自主创新,完善体制机制,促进社会和谐”,这24个字是对《建议》主要精神的集中概括。立足科学发展,就是要转变发展观念、创新发展模式、提高发展质量,切实把经济社会发展转入以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的轨道。要坚持发展是硬道理,坚持以经济建设为中心,坚持抓好发展这个党执政兴国的第一要务,在不断提高质量和效益的前提下,保持经济平稳较快发展。要采取更加有力的措施,务必在转变经济增长方式上取得实质性进 The “Proposal” proposes that “the scientific development should be based on scientific development, focusing on independent innovation, perfecting institutional mechanisms and promoting social harmony” during the “Eleventh Five-year Plan”. These 24 words are a concentrated summary of the main thrust of the “Proposal”. Based on scientific development, we must change our concept of development, innovate our development model, improve the quality of development, and earnestly bring economic and social development into a people-oriented and comprehensively coordinated path of sustainable development. We must adhere to the principle of development as the absolute principle, persist in taking economic construction as the center, and firmly grasp the development of the party as the most important task for the party in governing and rejuvenating the country. We should maintain steady and rapid economic development on the premise of continuously improving quality and efficiency. To take more effective measures, we must make substantive progress in transforming the pattern of economic growth
最具权威性的美国《田径新 闻》评选的2004年世界男女最佳 运动员在新年第一期中揭晓,埃塞 俄比亚的男子奥运会10000米冠 军贝克勒和俄罗斯的女子撑竿跳 高奥运会金牌得主伊
Samples of FJ316 stainless steel powder alloyed with different amounts of glass2 material have been compacted at the pressure of 686MPa and sintered at 1160, 1
The recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain stably expressing recombinant human glucagon-like peptide-1(rhGLP-1) analogue, as a potential oral drug delivery
本研究的目的在于比较痉挛性脑瘫(CP)患儿和正常儿肌肉电-力学延迟(EMD)的差异。 方法 受试者为12例痉挛性CP患儿和12例年龄配对的正常儿,其中女孩13例,男孩11例,CP患儿中,4
本文对儿童 1型糖尿病血浆α -颗粒膜蛋白 (GMP 140 )、血小板聚集 (PA)进行测定 ,探讨血小板功能的变化在糖尿病血管病变发病过程中所起的作用及其临床意义。  研究对象 :糖尿