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  Will a wad of gum[口香糖] stay in your stomach for years if you swallow it?
  Can you get addicted to lip balm?
  Our get-it-straight guide puts the so-called “truths”your mother always told you to the test.
  “If you swallow gum, it’ll take seven years for your body to digest it.?“如果你咽下一块口香糖,身体需要七年才能把它消化掉。”
  Gum is pretty much indigestible[不吸收的], meaning your body can’t break it down like most foods. But, chill out[冷静] chewers, that doesn’t mean it’ll stick to your intestines[肠] for years. As gross as it is, gum “will usually pass right out of you in a day or two-looking the same as it went in,”says A. Ursulla Courtney, MD注1, assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Virginia.
   “You’ll catch a cold if you leave the house with wet hair or without a jacket.?“如果不擦干头发或者不穿外套出门,你会感冒的。”
  The next time someone insists your damp[潮湿的] hair or lack of a warm jacket will make you sick, here’s what to tell them: colds aren’t caused by being cold. Instead, they’re caused by viruses. According to Dr. Courtney, viruses are more common during the colder months because people are in closer contact by staying indoors more often. So if you want to stay healthy, frequently washing your hands will be way more effective than drying your hair or simply bundling up[使穿暖].
   “You can get addicted to lip balm.”“涂润唇膏会上瘾。”
  There is no ingredient[成分] in any lip product that could cause you to become physically dependent on it. That said, you can become mentally hooked[成瘾的] on your everyday balm. 襓our lips get used to feeling soft and moist, so when you stop using your lip balm, your lips feel much drier, causing you to crave[渴望] more,?explains Dr. Courtney. Because this cycle isn’t harmful, you may use as much balm as you like.
  任何唇膏产品都没有导致你对它产生依赖的成分。尽管这样说,你还是可能在心理上对日常润唇膏产生依赖。“你的嘴唇(已经)适应了柔软、湿润的感觉,所以当你停止使用润唇膏,你的嘴唇会感到特别干,让你觉得需要更多的润唇膏。” 科特尼博士解释说。由于这种循环没什么害处,所以你还是可以随心所欲地使用润唇膏。
   “If you cross your eyes or make an ugly face too often, it could get stuck that way.”“如果你总是频繁地对眼或者做鬼脸,长此以往,你的样子就会变成那样。”
  Just imagine going to the homecoming dance with your eyes crossed or your nose pushed up into a big snout! Relax! It’s just not possible for your facial expressions to “freeze”like that. “These actions are voluntary, so your features will return to normal as soon as your facial muscles relax,”says Dr. Courtney.
  想象一下吧,在家庭舞会上,做个对眼或者把你的鼻子翻成一个大大的猪拱嘴!放松!你的面部表情不可能“定格”成那样。“这些举动都是自发的,所以只要你的面部肌肉放松了,你的五官就会恢复正常模样。” 科特尼博士解释说。

  “You can get a disease from a public bathroom toilet seat.”“坐在公共厕所的马桶座位上如厕,你会得病。”
  Yeah, some toilet seats can be really nasty. But here’s the bottom line: It’s nearly impossible to contract anything from a toilet. Believe it or not, the biggest germ culprit[犯人] is the floor. So keep your purse or backpack off the ground. And always wash up, but watch out for handblowers[吹风机]. They just spread icky[讨厌的] germs because they use the bathroom’s air ?including any bacteria[细菌] and other baddies hanging around in it ?to blow onto your hands.
  “If you sit too close to the TV (or in the front row of the movie theater), you’ll hurt your eyes.”“如果你坐得离电视太近(或者坐在电影院的前排),视力会受到损害。”
  While it might drive your parents nuts注2, sitting front and center watching your favorite TV drama won’t make you go blind. “The worst that can happen is the muscles around your eyes get tired from focusing on something so close,”says Dr. Courtney. “But there’s no permanent[永久的] effect on your television.”Still, if you sit ultra-close because you really can’t see from farther back, ask your mom or dad to make an appointment with an eye doctor. There’s a chance you may need glasses.
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