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  In China, foods are given special meanings. Therefore, a type of food can only be eaten by some certain individuals[个人] on specific occasion[场合], or must be served at special events.
  In some regions, an honored guest usually would be offered a snapper[甲鱼]’s head, or shell, to greet him as a sign of warm welcome. Noodles are a symbol of longevity[长命] in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of the Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with candles is in many countries. The elderly would have a bowl of Long Life Noodles in the expectation of a healthy life. Since noodles do symbolize[象征] long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut up a strand[线].
  Eggs hold a special symbolic significance[意义] in many cultures, and China is no exception. The Chinese believe that eggs symbolize fertility[多产]. After the birth of a child, parents may hold a Red Egg and Ginger Party, where hard-boiled eggs are served to announce the birth. Egg rolls or spring rolls resemble the shape of a bar of gold. Thus, they are often served at New Year, as a symbol of wealth and prosperity[繁荣] in the coming year.
  Fish also play a large role in festive celebrations.The Chinese word for “fish”sounds like the words for both “wish”and “abundance[充裕].”As a result, on New Year’s Eve it is customary[习惯的] to serve fish for dinner, symbolizing the desire for accumulation[积聚] of wealth, and for prosperity in the coming year. Furthermore[此外], the fish should be served whole, with the head and tail still attached, symbolizing a good beginning and ending of the coming year.
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