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  Orhan Pamuk was born on June 7th, 1952, Istanbul, Turkey. A Turkish novelist, he is best known for works that probe[查究] Turkish identity and history. He was awarded[授予] the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006.
  Raised in a wealthy and Western-oriented[导向的] family, Pamuk attended Robert College, an American school in Istanbul, and went on to study architecture[建筑学] at Istanbul Technical University. After three years, he dropped out and devoted himself full-time to writing. In 1977, he graduated from the University of Istanbul with a degree in journalism. From 1985 to 1988, he lived in the United States and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York and the University of Iowa.
  Pamuk began writing seriously in 1974. Eight years later, he published his first novel, Cevdet Bey and His Sons (1982). He first achieved international fame with his third novel, The White Castle (1985). His later novels, which were widely translated, include The Black Book (1990), The New Life (1994), My Name Is Red (1998) and Snow (2002). His latest book, Istanbul: Memories and the City (2003), is a partly fictionalized[使小说化] memoir[回忆录].
  Quote from Pamuk 帕慕克语录
  I want to be a bridge, in the sense that a bridge doesn’t belong to any continent, doesn’t belong to any civilization. And a bridge has the unique opportunity to see both civilizations and be outside of [them].
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