The Place of Context in Language Teaching and Learning—Taken Listening Skill as an Example

来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyzsoft
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Context is a complex element around language teaching and learning since the application of language is always influenced by the context.It is well known that the same sentence in different contexts may have quite different meanings,so to correctly understand what others said,context matters a lot.Context is certainly seen as a core in the organisation of language so Context is a complex element around language teaching and learning since the application of language is always influenced by the context. It is well known that the same sentence in different contexts may have quite different meanings, so to correctly understand what others said, context matters a lot.Context is certainly seen as a core in the organization of language so
【Abstract】This paper is an attempt to pinpoint the accomplishments and drawbacks in the study of critical thinking done by China’s L2 teaching circle via a survey of its general trend, research conten
【摘要】随着认知语言学的发展,人们逐渐意识到在单词和句子之间存在着一种兼具词汇和句法的双重特征的语言信息处理单位——词块。对自然语言中的词块进行研究,探求其特征与规律对于语言的习得是不无裨益的。本文以《经济学人》中的文章为研究对象,以语料库与自然语言工具包为研究手段,试图揭示英语财经新闻中词块的使用特征,希望可以为商务英语教学提供新的思路。  【关键词】英语财经新闻报道 词块分析 商务英语教学  