Photoinduced hydrogen evolution in an artificial system containing photosystemⅠ,hydrogenase,methyl v

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lili1006
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Hydrogen evolution was detected in an artificial system composed of light-harvesting unit of purified photosystem I,catalyst of hydrogenase,methyl viologen and electron donor under radiation.Absorption spectral features confirmed that electron transfer from electron donors to proton was via a photoinduced reductive process of methyl viologen. Hydrogen evolution was detected in an artificial system composed of light-harvesting unit of purified photosystem I, catalyst of hydrogenase, methyl viologen and electron donor under radiation. Absorption spectral features confirmed that electron transfer from electron donors to proton was via a photoinduced reductive process of methyl viologen.
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