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2000年的3月,春意盎然。新郑市观音寺镇个体养殖专业户敬德兴在广西处理完棘手的种鸡蛋业务后,稍有皱纹的脸上透出疲惫的神情,坐在奔驰在京广线回归家乡的列车上。他眺窗远望,心潮起伏:“莫名其妙,我给他干活,还判我还他5万元现金。要不是市人大常委会主持正义,维护法律的尊严,我真是有苦无处诉,有冤无处申……到家后,我一定到人大深表谢意。”一1999年7月,骄阳似火。一天下午,一位憨厚的中年人大汗淋漓地来到新郑市人大常委会法制工作委员会,开口就嚷道:“人民的法官对工作这样不负责任,简直是拿着法律当儿戏,无故判我给对方5万多块钱,真是冤死我了。请人大领导为我作主……”法工委的同志感到来人说话突然,听情况似有冤情,便热情地打来洗脸水让其擦把汗,后又让他坐下并递过茶水。待其心情稍有安定后,才请他将事情经过细说一遍。他说:“我叫敬德兴,从1994年就搞种鸡养殖和种蛋销售生意,业务扩大至广西。1996年,在本市做同样生意的苑陵饲料公司经理左某找到我,让我把在广西的销售点改为苑陵饲料公司销售处,并答应每月给我工资2200元。1997年,由于业务发展较好,公司将我的工资增加到 In March 2000, spring was full of vigor. Jingxin Temple Town, Xinzheng City, an individual farming professionals Dexing Dexing in Guangxi after dealing with difficult kind of egg business, the slightly wrinkled face revealed a tired look, Mercedes-Benz sitting in the Beijing-Guangzhou line return home train. He looked out of the window, the ups and downs: ”Somehow, I give him to work, and sentenced me to him 50,000 yuan in cash.If not the Municipal People’s Congress presided over justice, to maintain the dignity of the law, I really have no place to complain , There is injustice nowhere ... ... home, I must be grateful to the NPC. “” In July 1999, the sun seemed like a fire. One afternoon, a simple and honest middle-aged man sweatily came to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Xinzheng City and shouted: “The people’s judges are irresponsible for their work. They are simply holding the law as a child’s play. Sentenced me to the other side more than 50,000 yuan, really unjustly killed me. Please NPC leadership for my decision ... ... ”Comrades of the Working Committee feel coming to speak suddenly, listening to the situation seems to grievances, The water rubbed the sweat, then let him sit down and handed the tea. After a little rest until their mood, asked him to elaborate on the matter again. He said: "My name is Jing Dexing and I started to engage in chicken farming and egg sales business in 1994. The business expanded to Guangxi. In 1996, Zuo Ling, manager of the same business in Yulin, found me and let I changed my point of sale in Guangxi to the sales office of Yuanling Feed Company and promised to give me a monthly salary of 2,200 yuan. In 1997, due to good business development, the company increased my salary to
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北京·王宝森 1995年7月4日,中共中央决定开除北京市原副市长王宝森的党籍。王宝森贪污公款25万元人民币和2万美元,挪用公款1亿多元人民币和2500多万美元,于同年4月4日自杀。 广东·欧阳德 1996年4月,
最近,我们在受理行政复议案件时,遇到一起案件,某市劳动行政部门认定为非因工死亡,法定代理人 (死者刘某母亲 )认为是因工死亡。其争议焦点:刘某是否属工伤死亡 ?  案情简介 死