Sheep May Not Be as Stupid as Humans Think

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenloa
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英国科学家通过实验为“羊”平反:羊不笨,羊比我们想象的要聪明得多!羊有着惊人的记忆力:they could remember 50 faces for up to two years!文章披露了这个事实的同时,有些议论极其精彩,富有哲理,值得回味。比如,羊为 什么有一种dim-witted reputation(汉语很难翻译dim-witted这个形容词!): 1/hours of seemingly mindless grazing may not be so mindless after all. 2/ they live inlarge groups and do not appear to have much individuality (个体的特点) 3/ theyare scared of just about everything. Any animal, including humans, once they arescared, they don’t tend to show signs of intelligent behavior. British scientists rehabilitate “sheep” through experiments: Sheep are not stupid, and sheep are much smarter than we think! The sheep has an amazing memory: they could remember 50 faces for up to two years! While the article revealed this fact, some discussions were extremely exciting, philosophical, and worthy of consideration. For example, why do sheep have a dim-witted reputation (Chinese is difficult to translate adjective dim-witted!): 1/hours of seemingly mindless grazing may not be so mindless after all. 2/ they live inlarge groups and do not appear to have Much individuality (personal characteristics) 3/ theyare scared of just about everything. Any animal, including humans, once they arescared, they don’t tend to show signs of intelligent behavior.
一般将来时的表示方法诸多 ,下面将初中阶段常用的作一归纳 :一、由助动词 will/shall+动词原形这种构成只表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。 will用于各种人称 ,而 shall
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刚接触英语的人就已知道:how many和how much都表示“多少”,what表示“什么”。这个先入为主的印象使不少人在理想下旬时感到犯难:What did you give for the book? 显然,