China Textile and Apparel Trad Fair(Paris):weaving the world of textile

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  On 11 February 2019, China Textile and Apparel Trad Fair (Paris) was co-located with APPAREL SOURCING, TEXWORLD, SHAWLS & SCARVES, AVANTEX, TEXWORLD DENIM and LEATHER WORLD.
  Nearly 400 companies from 11 countries and regions including mainland China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Germany, France, Spain, the United States and Hong Kong participated in the Paris Exhibition, an increase of 17% year-onyear. Among them, there were more than 300 Chinese exhibitors. On the first day of the exhibition, the audience reached a record high, which was nearly 30% higher than the same period last year. The audience was dominated by France, radiating Europe and the world. Xu Yingxin, Vice President of China Textile Industry Federation, Executive Vice President of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Chang Qing, Vice President of Textile Industry Branch of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Zhang Tao, Secretary General, Scherpe, Chairman of Messe Frankfurt (France) visited the exhibition and visited the exhibiting company.
  As a premium fashion sourcing platform in Europe, Paris Exhibition continues to play a role as a bridge and link to deepen mutual understanding and mutual trust between China and overseas textile industry, and to convey industry confidence while promoting trade. The exhibition brought together mainstream European fashion buyers to refresh the awareness of Chinese products and released the enthusiasm of Chinese companies.
  From the constitution of the proportion of exhibitors and visitors, the growth of the number of exhibitors in this exhibition was as high as 56%, reached a record high. In addition, with the global popularity of the Paris Exhibition, the number of trade visitors in this exhibition has steadily increased. Not only European customers regard the exhibition as an important procurement platform, but also the clothing buyers in other countries and regions. The number of visitors from North America, South America and Africa has also increased year by year.
  The Paris Exhibition continued to strengthen the image of professional brand exhibitions, absorb superior resources, guide the European mid-to-high-end market and consumer demand, improve the matching of European buyers for different market segments, and promote high tightness between enterprises and markets. At the same time, it provided good foreign R&D resources and frontier trends, guided domestic enterprises to enhance endogenous power, fully empowered enterprises, and promoted the high-quality development of industry enterprises.

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