
来源 :人生十六七 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elenganse
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十六七岁是人生命中的花季雨季,而对我来说十六岁是我的花季,十七岁是我的雨季……2005年8月27日,是我最悲痛的一天,妈妈永远地离开了我们,她被一场突如其来的车祸夺走了年仅44岁的生命。她像晴朗夜空中划过的流星,她像夏日里风雨过后美丽的彩虹,消失在我的视野外,留在我的记忆中。一年来,我陷入深深的自责之中,我无数次向妈妈的在天之灵祈祷,请求她的宽恕。我是一个被娇惯坏了的孩子。从小生活在蜜糖之中,却不知甜。爷爷、奶奶、姥姥、姥爷、叔叔、小姨,把我视为掌上明珠,百般的呵护。我10岁那年,有一天,学完滑冰回到家里,已 The sixteen-year-old is the rainy season of human life. For me, sixteen is my flowering season, seventeen is my rainy season... August 27, 2005 is my saddest day, my mother is always We left us and she was taken away by a sudden car accident and she was only 44 years old. She is like a meteor across the clear night sky. She looks like a beautiful rainbow after the storm in summer, disappears outside my vision, and stays in my memory. In the past year, I was deeply guilty of remorse. I had prayed to my mother many times in the Spirit of Heaven and asked her for forgiveness. I am a spoiled child. Since childhood, I lived in honey and I didn’t know it was sweet. Grandpa, grandmother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, and xiao yan, treat me as a bright pearl with all kinds of care. When I was 10 years old, one day, I returned home after learning to skate.
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