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毛主席在《<关于胡风反革命集团的材料>的序言和编者按语》中指出:“自从汉朝的吴王刘濞发明了请诛晃错(汉景帝的主要谋画人物)以清君侧的著名策略以来,不少的野心家奉为至宝,胡风集团也继承了这个衣钵。”晁错(公元前200年——前154年)是西汉景帝时期的法家杰出代表。他以新兴地主阶级的进步立埸,适应历史发展的要求,反对诸侯割据的分裂局面,主张削平藩国,维护中央集权,巩固和加强新兴地主阶级的专政。他的法家路线和政策,对西汉初期封建主义的中央集权制的巩同和发展,起了积极的作用。但是,吴王刘濞等七国割据势力,却打着杀晁绪以“清君侧”的旗号,起兵叛乱,反对削藩。不久,晁错被杀。用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,研究和总结这埸“削藩”与反“削藩”斗争的经验和教训,对于深入批林批孔,进一步认识林彪反革命的修正主义路线的反动本质,巩固无产阶级专政,防止资本主义复辟,是有重要意义的。 Chairman Mao pointed out in the Preamble to the Editor and Editor’s Notes of the Materials on the Hu Feng Anti-Revolutionary Group: “Since the Han Dynasty’s King Wu, Liu Yong invented the name Zhuang Shao-mistu (the main figure of Han Jingdi) Since the strategy, many ambitious families have been regarded as the most valuable treasure, and Hu Feng Group inherited this mantle. ”Chao Cuo (200 BC - 154 BC) was an outstanding representative of the legalists during the King and Emperor Dynasties of the Western Han Dynasty. With the progress of the newly emerging landlord class, he established himself in conformity with the requirements of historical development and opposed the splittist situation of vassal separatists. He advocated the triumph of the feudal powers, the maintenance of centralization of power, and the consolidation and strengthening of the dictatorship of the emerging landlord class. His legalist line and policies played a positive role in the common ground and development of the feudalistic centralized system in the early Western Han Dynasty. However, as the separatist forces of the seven countries, including King Wu and Liu Hsiu, attacked and cut back the cavalry insurgents under the banner of “Qing Jun side, Soon, Chao Cuo was killed. Study and summarize the experience and lessons learned from this ”anti-fan-cutting“ and anti-”anti-fan-cutting" struggle with Marxist standpoints and methods, and further understand the reactionary nature of Lin Biao’s counterrevolutionary revisionist line, It is of great significance to consolidate the dictatorship of the proletariat and prevent the restoration of capitalism.
“遗忘曲线”是由德国心理学家艾宾浩斯(H.Ebbinghaus)研究发现,人体大脑对新事物遗忘的循序渐进的直观描述,人们可以从遗忘曲线中掌握遗忘规律并加以利用,从而提升自我记忆能力。由此,我不禁想起了最近议论纷纷的语文课堂。  一堂课,长则45分钟,短则40分钟。根据课堂时间记忆时间段来划分,一节课,有效果记忆时间是不是也有相似的地方呢?但课堂有其特殊性,课前几分钟是学生好奇观望渐入的时间,所以,
分析了电控系统与汽油机匹配的目标,提出了定油门,定功率与定脉宽3种匹配试验方法,并对其正确性给予了证明;同时论述了这3种方法的优缺点及其实用价值。 This paper analyzes th
一个人生来的特点可能就是她的美点,我们不必希望自己像某一个有名的美人,我们应该希望自己只最像自己。 A person born may be her beauty, we do not have to look like a
介绍了汽轮机故障诊断专家系统中知识的类型和知识获取的方法,论述了知识获取的过程,讨论了知识获取应注意的问题,为诊断规则的形成提供了基础 This paper introduces the type