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  (武警警官學院,四川 成都 610000)
  【Abstract】: T. S .Eliot is one of the greatest poets in the west literary criticism history of the 20th century. As the cores of Eliot’s poetics, “impersonal theory” is for the purpose of confuting the romanticism. That is to seek the objective expression of poetry which leaves out the personal feelings, to express individual performance indirectly, and to express more common human's emotions. In The Waste Land, Eliot greatly extends and develops the poetic techniques. This thesis is focused on “the impersonal theory of Poetry” and its appliance in The Waste Land.
  【Key words】: impersonal theory;objectivity;The Waste Land
  T.S.Eliot’ s Impersonal Theory in “The Waste Land”
  1. The Impersonal Theory
  In “Tradition and Individual Talent”, Eliot points out the Impersonal theory of poetry, which is the relation of the poem to its author. The point of view that Eliot wants to struggle is related to the metaphysical theory of the substantial unity of the soul, which means that the poet has not a “personality” to express, but a particular medium, in which impressions and experiences combine in peculiar and unexpected way. He compares the poet's mind to the platinum that is the catalyst of a chemical reaction. The platinum is the agent of change but nevertheless remains "inert, neutral, and unchanged". For Eliot, the greater the artist, the more completely separate in him will be "the man who suffers and the mind which creates". The content is "Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality". From Eliot’s perspective, great works do not express the personal emotion of the poet. The real poets draw on ordinary ones and channeling them through the intensity of poetry.
  2. The Application of the Impersonal Theory in “The Waste Land”
  In “The Waste Land”, the images of animals are expanded in reader’s mind, so that its allegoric meaning becomes more and more deep. These animal images successfully receive highly artistic effect on the aspect of expressing Eliot’s “Impersonal theory” and make his personality disappear. There are a lot of animal images in this poem, such as the cricket, dogs, rats, nightingale, thrush, bats, cock, swallow, and so on. In this essay, one of the examples: rats are analyzed here.The image of rat appeared in the second chapter “A Game of Chess “. Traditionally, rats represented death and molder. In this poem, rats represented the death in mind and also in carnal reality.   The line111-126 lead us to a kind of nervous and emotional world. Sheltering in the “rats’ alley” just like be blocked up the exit of alleyway. The entrance is towards to only one direction, that is death. The first four lines, which depicted the impatient and anxious feelings of that nervous woman. She hastened to let the man express his real thought in mind. Thus, she want him to think. However, his wordless answer just like a word of warning: “I think we are in rats’ alley, Where the dead man lost their bones”. Obviously, the couple cannot communicate with each other, and they cannot find any possibility to exceeding themselves. Because they are isolated, and rats’ alley is dark and narrow, people live in there, will render to lonely, indifference, paralysis and death.
  Besides, there are some objects in the poem with special meanings. Using the symbols of some special objects are a very good application of the “Impersonal Theory”. In this way, the poet expresses his feelings and thoughts through these symbolic objects.
  The first is the Tarot card, which is deemed as a kind of wicked card. It was originally used to predict the ebb and flow of the river of the Nile to direct the growing of crops; however, it now becomes a tool of superstition in the hands of physiognomies. Therefore, the tarot card loses its original magic in the poem and converts into a significant item much concerned with fertility. Nevertheless, the magic of the tarot card can’t be limitless because Madame Sosostris’ ability of prevision is limited. Therefore, the salvation of the Waste Land is uncertain.
  The second image of object is the wheel, which appears twice in the poem. When Madame Sosostris makes prediction by the tarot card, she sees in the wheel the transmigration in Buddhism. It also refers to the crowds of people who walk round in a ring, a scene implying that everyone lives in transmigration of birth, aging, disease and death. In the fourth canto, the wheel reappears in the line “O you who turn the wheel and look to windward”. Here it is also a symbol of transmigration but the Gentile and the Jew were too ambitious to control it.
  Though there are many more objects in the poem, such as the chair and the marble in the second canto, the most important are the three images mentioned above. They represent the basic elements of the destiny of the Waste Land—transmigration of suffering (the wheel), force of salvation (the Holy Grail) and uncertainty of the future (the Tarot Card).
  Eliot, T.S. Selected Essays. New York: Harcourt and Brace. 1950.
  Shusterman, Richard. T.S. Eliot and the Philosophy of Criticism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
  Tamplin Ronald, A Preface to T.S.Eliot. Beijing: Peking University Press. 2005.
(云南师范大学文理学院人文学院 )  【摘要】:伊迪丝·华顿在《纯真年代》中巧妙地运用了意象及象征手段,从而达到了鲜明的突出人物形象和深化写作主题的作用。而这些意象的运用中,最引人注意的就是她对书中几位主人公名字的选择,她将作品中主人公本身及名字作为意象,并赋予了它们特殊的象征意义。  【关键词】:《纯真年代》;人名;象征意义  长篇小说《纯真年代》是美国现代著名女作家伊迪丝·华顿(Edith W
(电子科技大学,四川 成都 611731)  【摘要】:作为新一代华裔女作家,伍绮诗以细腻的笔触将种族,性别角色、成长经历、生命的意义、人生的道路等严肃话题浓缩到一个微观的跨种族婚姻家庭的动态发展之中。《无声告白》写出了很多人心中难以言说的隐痛,将华裔人士在美国大背景下的隔阂与压力深刻地展现在读者眼前,引起人们的共鸣。本文将利用“他者”理论,剖析《无声告白》中作为“他者”的迷茫个体及他者的跨种族婚
(汉口学院,湖北 武汉 430212)  【摘要】:祥林嫂与曹七巧是文学史的典型母亲形象,她们的婚姻悲剧是社会制度与时代共同造就,不仅毁了她们,也毁了自己的儿女。本文主要针对《祝福》与《金锁记》的叙述视角进行分析。  【关键词】:《祝福》;《金锁记》;叙述视角;对比  《祝福》中的祥林嫂与《金锁记》中的曹七巧是文学史上两位典型的封建社会母亲,时代和社会制度造就了她们的婚姻,也毁了她们与儿女的一生。
【摘要】:四川丹巴碉楼是一种独特的历史文化遗存,其具有悠久的历史和古老的文化。在民族的发展历史长河中,四川丹巴碉楼以其丰富的历史文化沉淀、特有的文化底蕴,辉耀华芳、绽放异彩。文章从丹巴碉楼白勺代表性出发,并以此为基础,深入剖析其所蕴含的價值,以供读者参考。  【关键词】:四川丹巴;碉楼建筑;研究  丹巴碉楼,主要集中在四川省丹巴县河谷两岸,以三五个一组相互呼应居多,也有像梭坡十三角碉这样独于山头的
(武警警官学院,四川 成都 610213)  纳兰是横绝一代的词人,在整个清代,他与陈维崧、朱彝尊并称“清词三大家”,王国维在《人间词话》中称他是“以自然之眼观物。以自然之舌言情。此初入中原未染汉人寒热,那风气故能正切如此,北宋以来,一人而已。”苏樱曾评价道,这许多年来,纳兰词始终是为我遮风避雨的另一个世界,是我心底最后退守的忠贞信仰,是让每一个与我相识或不相识的同类们得以远离现实的精神蜗居。近代
(聊城大学文学院,山东 聊城 252000)  【摘要】:现当代文学中关于女性形象的塑造有很多。张爱玲《金锁记》中的曹七巧和王安忆《长恨歌》中的王琦瑶具有代表性。这两个人物既有相同点也有不同点。通过对比分析这两个女性形象可以使我们对这两个人物有更立体更深刻的认识。  【关键词】:曹七巧;王琦瑶;女性形象  曹七巧和王琦瑶都是以悲剧收场的女性。她们都曾对生活有着美好的期待,都曾为自己的幸福生活而努力
(曲阜师范大学,山东 曲阜 273165)  【摘要】:青年作家田耳在其长篇小说《夏天糖》中,用亦庄亦谐的文字、多人叙事的手法以及独特的叙述模式为读者呈现了三段错恋,指引着读者在咬文嚼字的同时,力争跳出文本的圈子,展开相应的反思与自省。其文本发人深思,催人内省,于平实而不凡的文字中展现作家的力度与责任感。  【关键词】:田耳;错爱;夏天糖  《夏天糖》本是作家田耳发表在2006年第十一期台湾《联合
(聊城大学文学院,山东 聊城 252000)  【摘要】:西方进化论传入中国后给中国的知识分子提供了一种崭新的世界观和方法论。知识分子将进化论运用到各个领域。梁启超、王国维、胡适、鲁迅以及钱钟书等人分别将进化论运用到文学上,其中胡适将文学进化论发展到了顶峰。他们以文学进化论的观念来研究文学,促使了文学革命的发生,寻找文学自身发展的规律,加快了文学史的演化过程。通过梳理文学进化论的流变,我们应该以辩
(云南民族大学,云南 昆明 650500)  【摘要】:3-13世纪是东南亚早期国家出现的时期,也是东南亚古代文化的雏形期。这个时期社会文化的发展为今后的东南亚文学奠定了深厚的基础。本文以东南亚不同国家在该时期的文学情况的研究为基础,简要分析该时期东南亚地区文学的特点及其社会文化原因。  【关键词】:3-13世纪;东南亚文学;特点  一、以口头文学为主的东南亚古代早期文学  11世纪以前的东南亚还
(云南民族大學,云南 昆明 650500)