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  作为2009国际天文年的其中一个基础项目,“她是天文学家”(She is an Astronomer: breaking down misconceptions)致力于推动天文学领域的性别平等。一直以来,女性天文学家对天文学作出了极大贡献,然而为人熟知的少之又少。在她们当中最不可忽略的当数美国第一位女性天文学家玛丽亚·米切尔。可以说,现今有许多女性活跃于美国天文界,或多或少要归功于这位长期投身于天文事业的女性。
  October 1st, 1847
  In 1847, 29-year-old Maria Mitchell stood on the roof of her parents’ Nantucket home, focusing her telescope on a faraway star. Suddenly she realized that the blurry light was not a star at all, but a comet.
  The first person to record a comet sighting, she immediately captured the imagination of America and of the world. In 1865, she was appointed the first professor at the newly founded Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. She would live, study, and teach there for the next 23 years. Aware of her status as a pioneer woman scientist, Maria Mitchell became an active supporter of the woman’s rights movement. She continued her astronomical research until her death in 1888.
  The evening of October 1st, 1847 began as most evenings did for Maria Mitchell. From the small
  1)observatory on the roof of her home in Nantucket, the 2)amateur astronomer “swept” the night sky, as was her habit, searching for anything new or different.
  At 10:30 that night, Maria spotted a blurry, 3)fuzzy body in the upper right hand corner of her telescope’s field.
  She ran downstairs to tell her father, a cashier at the Nantucket Pacific Bank and a skilled amateur astronomer himself. William Mitchell followed his daughter to the rooftop, where he carefully compared the small object in the telescope with the stars near it and the 4)chart on the table. He confirmed what Maria had 5)suspected: she had discovered a comet.
  Once reported to and 6)acknowledged by leading astronomers, the comet was named in her honor, 7)propelling her to the forefront of 8)contemporary
  astronomy and changing the course of her life dramatically. Almost overnight, she was transformed from a bookish librarian and amateur 9)stargazer into “the Lady Astronomer,” a 10)quasi-celebrity whose story was told and retold in newspapers across America.
  The discovery of a comet was not a particularly unusual event in the 19th century, but female astronomers were very rare, and Maria Mitchell captured the public’s imagination. Frederic Ⅶ, the King of Denmark, presented her with a gold medal to honor her achievement. She was the first woman elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1848 and the first 11)admitted to the Association for the Advancement of Science in 1850.
  Maria Mitchell’s achievement would not have surprised her parents. Born in Nantucket on August 1st, 1818, the third of ten children, she 12)demonstrated from a young age both a love of stars and a talent for mathematics. Recognizing his daughter’s talent, her father gave her the best scientific education he could.
  In 1836, Maria went to work as the librarian at the newly opened Nantucket 13)Atheneum, a position
  she would hold for the next 20 years. She 14)took
  advantage of the institution’s collections to give herself the 15)equivalent of a college education; she taught herself mathematics, including 16)calculus, and the most advanced astronomy of her day. Her
  discovery of the comet was due as much to the years she spent studying in the atheneum and working with her father’s telescope as it was to good luck.
  In 1862 she was invited to join the 17)faculty of Vassar Female College, the first college in the country exclusively for women. Backed by wealthy 18)brewer Matthew Vassar, the institution was still in the early stages of development. Vassar decided that Maria Mitchell should serve as the college’s first professor of astronomy. He was especially eager to add a woman to the faculty. “My desire is now and always has been,” he wrote in 1864, “to make our college, not only a college to educate women, but a college of instruction by women.” The Civil War 19)delayed construction. Vassar did not admit its first students until September 1865.
  Vassar provided Mitchell with a brand-new, 20)state-of-the-art observatory. She became known as an 21)exacting teacher who insisted on 22)accuracy. She was impatient with even the slightest carelessness, often 23)lecturing students for 24)ignoring one-hundredth of a second in an astronomical calculation. Yet Maria Mitchell inspired great respect in her students, some of whom discovered comets and 25)nebulas themselves.
  Mitchell understood the significance of her position as a pioneer in women’s education and became an 26)advocate for woman’s rights. She once said, “I wish, we could give to every woman who has a 27)novel theory dear to her soul for the improvement of the world, a chance to work out her theory in real life.” In 1875, she was elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Women.
  Poor health forced Mitchell to 28)resign from Vassar in 1888 at the age of 70. She moved to Lynn and attempted to continue her research there, but the observatory she had constructed was more of a 29)morale 30)booster than anything else. Her condition quickly 31)deteriorated, and she died on June 28th, 1889.


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