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为适应我省全日制小学五年制改六年制的需要,我们根据《大纲》精神,以巩固旧知识、学点新内容、增长学生知识、能力与兴趣为目的,编写了这册《自然常识补充教材(供六年一期使用)》。由于考虑到我省各地情况不完全一致,需留时间给教师指导学生探求知识,研究本地自然现象,这册教材只选编了15篇课文,37道习题。选入的课文可分两类,一是以复习为主的教材,二是围绕原《自然常识》课本,扩大学生视野的教材。在37道习题中,有12道实践性较强的作业。现将课本的使用作简要说明如下:一、复习为主课文的教学以复习为主的有《空气》,《参观气象站(一)、(二)》、《脊椎动物》等五篇课文,教学中容易出现“炒冷饭”现象,师生均感乏味。要防止这一现象产生,教师首先要把教学重点放在学生所学知识中的“夹生饭”、“生米饭”上。如气象知识中,气压大小随高度、温度、湿度的变化而变化,特别是湿度增大,气压反而减小,一般学生并未搞清,教《参观气象站(一)》时,若针对这一问题作重点讲解,“炒冷饭”现象就不会发生。其次,应运用多种教法,以加深学生对旧知识的理 In order to meet the needs of five-year and six-year reforms of full-time primary schools in our province, we compiled the book “Naturally” for the purpose of consolidating old knowledge, learning new content, and increasing students’ knowledge, abilities, and interests in accordance with the spirit of the Outline. Common sense supplementary materials (for six-year use). Considering that the situation in different parts of our province is not exactly the same, we need to leave time for teachers to guide students to explore knowledge and study local natural phenomena. This textbook only selected 15 articles and 37 exercises. The selected texts can be divided into two categories, one is the review-based teaching materials, and the other is the textbooks that expand the student’s horizons around the original “natural knowledge” textbooks. Among the 37 exercises, there are 12 more practical assignments. The following is a brief description of the use of textbooks. First, the review of the main text of the text is based on the review of five texts, including Air, Visiting Weather Station (I), (II), and Vertebrate, etc. In the teaching, it is easy to see the phenomenon of “fried rice”. Both teachers and students are boring. To prevent this phenomenon from happening, teachers must first focus their teaching on the students’ knowledge of “cooked rice” and “raw rice.” For example, in meteorological knowledge, the pressure changes with height, temperature, and humidity. In particular, when the humidity increases, the air pressure decreases, and the average student does not make it clear. If you are going to visit the Weather Station (1), One question focuses on explaining that the phenomenon of “fried rice” will not happen. Second, a variety of teaching methods should be applied to deepen students’ understanding of old knowledge.
在我们那里,教学见解上有的主张启发诱导,引起兴趣;有的主张严规峻法,不避凶名。我则在二者之间莫衷一是.您说呢? 你说的情况就是教学上“诱导”与“逼迫”的论争.争论非自
1978年高考英语试题中有一选择题:He is——thin.(A.fairly B.rather C.little)答案是B.rather,无疑是正确的。此后,有人撰文认为:rather 只用于“坏”的意思,它所修饰的东