坚持不懈抓好党建 全心全意造福职工

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农一师青松建材化工总厂是50年代初创建的“五小”企业。进入80年代后,该厂坚持“以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,量力而行,梯度增长,滚动发展”的方针,十几年来,企业规模和经济效益持续大幅度增长,全员劳动生产率和职均创利分别是1980年的19.7倍和101.12倍。该厂党委总结企业十几年的发展经验时,体会最深的是要坚持不懈地抓好党的建设。着力点——充分发挥核心作用青松建材化工总厂党委把建设一个勤政廉洁、团结奋进的班子作为发挥企业党组织政治核心作用的重要工作来抓。该厂始终坚持党委集体领导,坚持每年年初召开党委(扩大)会议,集体讨论决定企业改革发展规划、经营方针、年度计划、投资项目等重大事项,全力支持厂长全面行使生产经营指挥权;厂长则自觉做到重大事项提交党委会集体讨论决定。廉洁自律自身正,良好形象示众人。该厂班子成员坚持正确使用权力,注意塑造良好形象,坚持在敏感的住房问题上做到与职工“三个一样”:住房面积,标准一个样;房内建筑设施一个样;房屋装修资金来源一个样。厂领导无一人利用职权为子女、家属谋取好处。厂领导不配专车,不配手机,外出办事,由行政办公室统一派车。勤政爱民态度正,以情感人聚人心。班子成员把为职工群众排忧解难当作自己义不容辞的责任。厂里有位退休老人,收入较低,厂长两次买东西上门探望,并为老人申请了困难补助。2000年初,退休职工郭锡荣病逝,一家三口失去生活来源。厂长、书记带头捐款1200元,在他们的带动下,全厂共捐款1.3万元。 A division of agricultural pine Ching Chung Building Materials Chemical Plant was founded in the early 1950s “five small ” enterprise. After entering the 1980s, the factory adheres to the principle of “being market-oriented, focusing on economic benefits, building on its strengths, gradient growth and rolling development”. For more than a decade, the scale and economic efficiency of the company have continued to increase substantially. Labor productivity and job creation profit were 19.7 times and 101.12 times respectively in 1980. When the party committee of the factory summed up the development experience of the enterprise for more than ten years, the deepest experience is to persistently grasp the building of the party. Emphasis - give full play to the core role Ching Chung Building Materials Chemical Plant Party committee to build a diligent and honest, united and forge ahead of the party as a political party to play the core role of the important task to grasp. The factory always adhere to the collective leadership of party committees, adhere to the beginning of each year held a party committee (enlarged) meeting, collective discussion decided to reform and development planning, operating principles, annual plans, investment projects and other major issues, to fully support the director of the full exercise of production and operation command; Long then consciously do major issues submitted to the party committee for collective discussion and decision. Self-discipline is self-improvement, showing a good image of everyone. The team members adhere to the correct use of power plant, pay attention to shaping a good image, adhere to the sensitive housing issues to do with the workers “three of the same ”: housing area, a standard; a kind of building facilities; housing decoration funds A kind of source. None of the factory leaders use their power to seek benefits for their children and their families. Factory leadership unworthy car, unwilling mobile phone, go out to do business, the uniform dispatch by the administrative office. Diligence and loving people attitude is positive to the emotional people together. Members of the team treat their workers and their staff as their unshirkable responsibility. The factory has a retired elderly, lower income, the director twice to buy things home visit, and for the elderly to apply for a difficult subsidy. In early 2000, retired employee Guo Xirong died, a family of three lost their source of life. Director, Secretary took the lead in donations 1,200 yuan, driven by them, the whole plant a total contribution of 13,000 yuan.