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  1.英语中,可数名词表示类别时可以用a/the+单数形式,也可以用复数形式 (这时名词前不加冠词)。名词还有普通格和所有格之分。命题者可以根据名词这些特性命题,让考生进行名词单复数或格之间的转换。例如:
  They offer high quality education at a low cost.

  In 1950, nearly a fifth of the population lived in the 20 largest cities of the nation.
  In 1950, in the (2)______20 largest cities lived almost 20% of the population.
  But critics say the current system wastes money and delays the arrival of needed food.
  →Food doesn’t (3)______ on time.
  United States government agencies have to buy American-produced food.
  →Food must be bought from (4)_______.
  Changing it could harm food-aid programs.
  →Changing it could be (5)_______ to food-aid programs.
  There were mainly two types of families in the United States.
  →There were two (6)______ types of families in the United States.
  But the system also has supporters among agricultural and shipping groups, and lawmakers in Congress.
  →Agricultural and shipping groups, as well as lawmakers, (7)_______ the current system.
  Caring for others can actually encourage the development of a mutually beneficial relationship.
  →A relationship which can (8)_______ two sides should be established.
  Mass production (of laptops) is expected to begin in October, once a final design is approved.
  →After the final design is approved, more laptops will be (9)______.
  Apologize when you are wrong.
  →Make an (10)______ when you are wrong.
  Cheating athletes are easier to catch out.
  →Cheating athletes can be (11)______ caught out.
  What should we do so that our communication will be effective?
  →How to communicate (12)_______
  Because university tuition is so expensive, many students also work part-time while they are at university.
  →Find a part-time (13)______ while at university.
  Mr. Gardner cited the account of the driver as an example of what he calls “good work”—a calling that combines excellent performance…
  →”Good work” is (14)______ combines excellent performance.
  When these bags go to landfills or are burned, they pollute the air, waterways and soil, which forms a huge threat to the health of humans.
  →When these bags go to landfills or are burned, they pollute air, (15)_____ a huge threat to the health of humans.
  It takes them almost 1,000 years to break down into particles that do not harm the environment.
  →It takes them a very long time to break down into (16)______ particles.
  常见同义结构:except for, apart from, except that/when/where; above all, what is the most important; the reason for, why; the cause of…, what caused…; the last … that…, what sb wanted to … least; sb should do sth, It’s necessary for sb to do sth; but for, without, if it wasn’t for/hadn’t been for…; was on the point of doing sthwhen…, was about to do sth when…; it’s time to do sth, It’s time that sb did sth; It’s certain that…, sb/sth is certain/sure to do sth; It’s possible/probable/likely that, sb/sth is likely to do sth; It so happened that…, sb/sth happened to do sth; It seemed that…, sb/sth seemed to do sth; As it turned out, …, It turned out that…, sb/sth turned out to do sth; As is known,…, It’s well know that…, What is known is that…; before long, soon, It wasn’t long/won’t be long before…; It was at three o’clock that…, It was three o’clock when…等等。
  Critics among charity groups have called for changes to the current system.
  →Charity groups are (17)______ the current system.
  Years ago, I boarded a bus with a driver, who entertained his passengers with a variety of topics.
  →A driver who took to (18)______ pleasure to his passengers.
  This (structure) will probably change again in the twenty-first century.
  →The present structure is 190)______ --it will experience changes again in the near future.
  American movie companies are exporting smoking in youth-rated movies.
  →American movie companies are thought to be “selling smoking” (20)______.
  Many people are unconvinced when they hear movies might contribute to adolescent smoking.
  →Many people don’t (21)______ movie’s contribution to teen smoking.
  Experts say infections from dirty water kill several thousand children…
  →Drinking dirty water (22)_____ several thousand children their lives…
  Organizers say more than twenty percent of the world population lack clean drinking water.
  →Over one-fifth of the world population don’t have (23)_____ clean water.
  Accept that friendships change. “Friendships change as our needs and lifestyles change,” Wilmot observes.
  →We should be (24)_____ of the fact that friendships change as our needs and lifestyles change.
  Athletes in all sports can now train more effectively.
  →Athletes in all sports can train in a more effective (25)_____.
  There are a range of abilities that can lead to success in life beyond math and verbal skills.
  →Many factors besides math and verbal skills are (26)_____ for success in life.
  The most effective people never change character from one situation to another.
  →Don’t change character in (27)_____ situations.
  常见同义词(组):besides, beyond, in addition to, apart from, on top of, what’s more, other than; after three years, three years later; but, nevertheless, and yet, on the contrary, in contrast; so, thus, as a result; the rest of the students, the other students; other people, others; many, many a, a large number of, a lot of; punctually, in time; learn, pick up; memorize, learn…by heart; eventually, at last, in the end, finally; first of all, firstly; take into account/consideration, consider; would rather do, prefer to do, would like to do; due to, because of, owing to, on account of; most of, the majority of; various, a variety of; 25% of, a quarter of; half an hour, 30 minutes, a fortnight, two weeks; a decade, 10 years; a century, 100 years等等。
  Decide what you really like to do and what you would like to spend your life doing. That is more important than deciding what particular job to hold.
  →Deciding what job to hold is (28)______ important.
  It’s surprising how often a dispute result from a simple misunderstanding.
  →Simple misunderstandings (29)______ to many disputes.
  The country has to refine 5 million tons of crude oil every year to make plastic bags.
  →Every year 5 million tons of crude oil is (30)______ to make enough plastic bags.
  His plan would provide food aid by buying crops directly from farmers in the developing world.
  →Crops will be (31)_____directly from farmers in the developing world.
  This technology falls into two main groups: improving an athlete’s performance in competition, and allowing results to be measured more accurately.
  →Science can (32)_____ athlete’s performance in competition and get results (33)_____ more accurately.
  To help students pay for their education, the government offers loans which students do not have to repay until after they graduate.
  →Apply for the loans (34)_____ by the government, which can be repaid after graduation.
  (2)nation’s。表示所有关系的of the nation短语转换成’s所有格。
  (18)bringing。entertain转换成bring pleasure to。
  (21)believe。be unconvinced转换成don’t believe。
  (22)costs。kill转换成cost sb one’s life。
  (23)enough/adequate。lack转换成not have enough/ adequate。
  (24)aware。accept that转换成be aware of the fact that。
  (25)way。effectively转换成in an effective way。
  (26)responsible。lead to转换成be responsible for。
  (27)different。change from one situation to another转换成change in different situations。
  (28)less。比较对象与被比较对象位置颠倒,more important就需转换成反义词less important。
  (29)lead/contribute。主语与宾语位置交换,result from转换成反义词lead/contribute to。
2010年《考试说明》书面表达在样题部分给出了两种典例,一种是有汉语提纲式的,另一种是漫画式的。与学生熟悉的汉语提纲式的书面表达相比较,漫画题需要考生先读图,准确理解图中的内容或含义,然后才能进行表达,由于多种原因考生可能会误解图中的内容,从而出现写走题的情况。  《考试说明》在这方面的调整反映出高考在考查学生书面表达能力上的一种尝试与创新。这也与新课程标准在写作方面对学生的要求相呼应。  由此可
题:(苏中三市2009届高三数学第一次调研测试第16题)在四棱锥 中,四边形 是梯形, , ,平面 ⊥平面 ,平面 ⊥平面 .  (1)求证:⊥平面 .   (2)设平面 ∩平面 ,问:直线 是否与平面 平行?请说明理由.   这是一道由传统立体几何题编制而成的新题,较好地考查了线线平行与垂直、线面平行与垂直、面面垂直的基础知识,及其空间想象相互转化的基本技能、基本思想和方法.符合考试说明的要求.
参考公式:  样本数据x1,x2,…xn的方差s2=1nΣni=1(x1-x)2,其中x=1nΣni=1x1  一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在相应位置上.  1.已知集合M={-1,1},N=x120)个单位后,图象恰好为函数y=-f′(x)的图象,则m的最小值为.  11.椭圆x2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>
一、高考英语听力题的特点简析    1. 命题意图  高考听力题是检查听的各项微技能的综合运用的试题,力图从各个方面比较全面地考查考生根据所提供的不同生活实际环境下的境况用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。  2. 微技能考查  领略主旨、要义的能力;获取详细的事实性信息的能力;对谈话的背景、说话者之间的关系进行推断的能力;理解说话者意图、观点或态度的能力。  3. 语料和题干特点  10段语言材料题
代数式有关的试题历来是高考命题的常客,与之相关的代数式变形能力成为高考考查的重点,也是考生能否解决问题的关键.随着高考复习深入,考试渐多,考生逐渐感觉到代数试题答题失误率高,一个重要的原因就是考生代数式变形能力弱导致的.那么如何有效地提高考生代数式变形能力呢?这里作简要介绍供参考.  一、利用基本不等式求最值中的代数式变形  【例1】(2008江苏卷)设 是正实数,满足 ,则 的最小值是 .  【
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-20各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳答案,并填在答题卡上。  A  A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I___1___that there was an electronic keyboard o
三角是高考每年必考内容之一,在填空题,解答题中均有可能出现. 填空题主要考查基础知识、公式及其涉及的运算,三角函数图象与性质等,解答题中以中等难度为主,涉及三角函数部分,解斜三角形,公式较多,易混淆. 所以在解题过程中,一定要树立目标意识,学会差异分析.   差异分析,是指通过分析条件与结论之间差异,并不断减少目标差来完成解题的策略. 使用这种策略通常要求:  (1)通过分析题目的条件与结论所得出
在高考的阅读理解试题或模拟测试试题中常常会碰到一些划线部分的句子,要求学生根据划线部分的内容选择一个合适的答案。乍一看,这些内容似乎很简单,因为没有生词。但仔细揣摩却发现并非那么容易理解,其原因是这些句子都有蕴藏着内涵意义,常常使学生感到困惑不解。此时学生应根据上下文的线索以及作者的意图去加以分析,才能理解其正确涵义。现从部分试题中摘取一些加以分析和归纳,旨在学生更好地解题。  1. When I
1背景介绍  根据2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学科(江苏卷)考试说明,平面解析几何重点考察直线、圆的方程(均升为C级),而淡化椭圆(降为B级)、双曲线、抛物线(均降为A级)的考察,解答过程一般不涉及韦达定理.为此,平面解析几何大题如何考察成为新高考的热点话题之一,本文就2009届南京市与南通市高三第一次模拟考试(数学卷)中的两道解析几何大题展开探讨,以供大家复习参考.  2试题评析  
在平时考试或高考之后学生经常反映:“公式、性质、定理我们都会,为什么就是不会做题”.特别是知道答案之后,又感到遗憾和惋惜.因为用的知识和方法都是学过的.究其原因,一个重要的原因就是不会寻求解题途径,这就需要教师在平时的教学中有意识的灌输解题的途径.本文拟对一些常规的解题途径作一个归纳,供同行参考.  一、分析法和综合法是寻求解题途径的基本方法  寻求解题途径,首先要深刻理解已知条件,要注意挖掘那些