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走进马年,自然想起赋予我们民族特色的龙马精神,想起古战场的战马啸啸,想起古今名家的奔马图等等。这些鲜活壮美的生动景象,使我们在兴奋、激励和向往中畅想发展与未来,而又不失冷静与思考。特别是在当前全面深化改革之时,加快社会经济发展转型之机,对人才需求和人才质量提出了更高的要求,如何在已取得的成绩基础上,像骏马一样奔向新征程,这是我们职教工作新的机遇和挑战。近年来,职业教育和人才工作蓬勃发展,不断强化内涵建设,大胆探索机制创新,探索校企合作新模式,全面深化一体化教学改革,可以说,职业教育和人 Into the Year of the Horse, naturally reminds us of the spirit of the Long Ma given our national characteristics, think of the ancient battlefield battle horses Xiao Xiao, think of ancient and modern famous Ben Mitu and so on. These vivid and magnificent vivid scenes enable us to envision development and future in excitement, encouragement and longing without losing calm and thinking. Especially at the time of deepening the current reform in an all-round way, the opportunity to speed up the transformation of social and economic development has put forward higher requirements on the demand for talent and on the quality of qualified personnel. On the basis of the achievements we have made, we have been moving toward a new journey like a horse. Our vocational education new opportunities and challenges. In recent years, vigorous development of vocational education and personnel work has continuously intensified the connotation construction, boldly explored mechanism innovation, explored a new mode of school-industry cooperation, and deepened the all-in-one teaching reform in an all-round way. It can be said that vocational education and people
27-30 September 2011, Chengdu, China http://www.icsgce.com/ 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies (IEEE ICSGCE2011) wil
目的 :探讨乳腺癌中抑制转移基因nm23的表达及其与C erbB 2、ER、PR以及肿瘤组织学分级、淋巴结转移等临床病理特性的相互关系。方法 :应用免疫组化SP法检测70例乳腺癌中nm23
子宫平滑肌瘤较常见。子宫奇异型平滑肌瘤较少见 ,易误诊为恶性肿瘤。现就子宫肌瘤误诊一例进行病理分析 ,报告如下。临床资料患者50岁 ,月经周期紊乱 ,经量增多1年余 ,在当地卫
Blended Learning是为了最大化的实现学习目标,采取适合于特定的学习者的教学手段在恰当的时间和地点将一定的知识传输给学习者。《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《