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研究了光纤激光器前向抽运的S波段分布式光纤拉曼放大器中级联的受激布里渊散射(SBS)串扰现象。用窄光谱带宽(<100MHz)的可调谐激光二极管作为信号源,通过S波段分布式光纤拉曼放大器,当被放大的信号功率超过单模光纤受激布里渊散射的阈值时,出现了前向受激布里渊散射,这是传导声波布里渊散射在光纤放大器中放大的现象。随着拉曼放大器抽运功率的提高,在斯托克斯区,出现了两阶受激布里渊散射线,在实验中观测到偶数阶的受激布里渊散射谱线功率大于奇数阶的布里渊一瑞利散射线。当进一步增加拉曼放大器的抽运功率,出现了前向级联的多阶受激布里渊散射现象,拉曼放大器的增益下降,被放大的信号功率转换为受激布里渊散射,噪声变大。受激布里渊散射的串扰破坏了拉曼放大器的特性,使拉曼放大器无法在密集波分复用光纤传输系统中使用,因此需要严格地控制入纤的信号功率和放大器的抽运功率。在实验中还观测到在光纤拉曼放大器中被放大的信号光和受激布里渊散射线两侧的伴线。 The cascaded stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) crosstalk phenomenon in the S-band distributed fiber Raman amplifier forward-pumped by fiber lasers was studied. With a tunable laser diode with a narrow spectral bandwidth (<100MHz) as the signal source, the S-band distributed fiber Raman amplifier appears when the amplified signal power exceeds the threshold for stimulated Brillouin scattering of single-mode fibers Stimulated Brillouin scattering, which is the phenomenon of conductive sonic Brillouin scattering amplified in a fiber amplifier. As the pumping power of the Raman amplifier increases, the second order stimulated Brillouin scattering appears in the Stokes region. It is observed experimentally that even order stimulated Brillouin scattering line power is greater than odd order The Brillouin-Rayleigh scattering. When the pumping power of the Raman amplifier is further increased, a forward cascade of multi-order stimulated Brillouin scattering occurs, the gain of the Raman amplifier decreases, the amplified signal power is converted to stimulated Brillouin scattering, the noise Bigger. Stimulated Brillouin scattering crosstalk undermines the characteristics of Raman amplifiers, so that Raman amplifiers can not be used in dense wavelength-division multiplexing optical fiber transmission systems, thus requiring strict control of the signal power into the fiber and the pump power of the amplifier. In the experiment, the amplitudes of signal and stimulated Brillouin scattered lines on both sides of the fiber Raman amplifier were also observed.
摘要:在教学中转换师生的角色,体现学生的地位成为很多科研课题的研究内容。教师的教学活动要适应新形势的要求,互动是民主的体现,是教师尊重学生、关注学生能力提高的体现。  关键词:数学教学;教学模式;教学效果  【分类号】G623.5  《小学数学新课程标准》指出:“数学活动是师生共同参与、交往互动的过程。有效的数学教学活动是教师教与学生学的统一,学生是数学学习的主体,教师是数学学习的组织者与引导者。
发展党内民主,是党的事业兴旺发达的重要保证,是全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程的必然要求。同时,发展党内民主也可以成为我国民主政治发展的切入点和原动力。 To develop in
本文建议,利用云南石材资源优势,积极开拓国内外市场。 This paper suggests that the use of Yunnan stone resources, and actively explore the domestic and foreign ma
为进一步弘扬党的先进性精神, 深入地学习好优秀共产党员牛玉儒同 志的先进事迹,由中央保持共产党员 先进性教育领导小组办公室、中共中 央纪律检查委员会宣教室联合监制, 北