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生殖器抱疹(GH)是一种由单纯疙疹病毒(HSv)复发性的终生病毒感染,部分病例频繁复发,难以控制。为了解抗病毒药物泛昔洛韦单用和与调节机体免疫功能的药物a一2b干扰素联合应用治疗复发性生殖器疙疹的疗效,我们进行了临床对比观察,现将结果报告如下。临床资料本组观察病例均符合以下条件:①皮疹发生于外生殖器部位,②有典型的疮疹表现,③疽疹半年内复发2次以上者。孕妇、严重的心肝肾疾病患者不作为入选对象。总病例数66人,随机分成两组。治疗组共36例,男25例,女11例,年龄19一51岁,平均35岁,病程7月~4年;对照组30例,男21例,女9例。其一般资料经统计学处理与治疗组无显著差异。治疗方法①治疗组予以泛昔洛韦(大连美罗大药厂)250mg,每日3次口服,连用1周书 Genital rash (GH) is a recurrent, life-threatening virus that is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) and frequently recurrent and difficult to control in some cases. In order to understand the antiviral drug famciclovir alone and with the regulation of immune function of the drug a-2b interferon treatment of recurrent genital herpes curative effect, we conducted a clinical comparative observation, the results are reported as follows. Clinical data observed in this group of patients are in line with the following conditions: ① rash occurred in the genital area, ② typical performance of the rash, ③ recurrence of more than 2 times within six months. Pregnant women, patients with severe heart, liver and kidney disease are not eligible for inclusion. The total number of cases 66 people were randomly divided into two groups. Treatment group, a total of 36 cases, 25 males and 11 females, aged 19 to 51 years old, with an average of 35 years of age, duration of 7 months to 4 years; control group of 30 patients, 21 males and 9 females. The general data by the statistical treatment and treatment group no significant difference. Treatment ① The treatment group was famciclovir (Dalian Metro) 250mg, 3 times a day orally, once a week book
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