红膜玉葱(Alliumecpa L),又名洋葱,为百合科观赏、药用、膳用俱佳的蔬菜。其鳞茎扁球形,肥硕馨香,外著红色皮膜,故名。近年,武汉花卉与蔬菜科研人员联手,发掘红膜玉葱文化,在盆栽露土葱头花葶上分别贴上不干胶吉祥词及镂透花纹条,使之印在上面,观赏价值极佳,成为赠亲友的好花厚礼。特别是新培育的中华扁叶品种,叶似兰,几可以假乱真,而粉红色小花丛中,夹杂着绿白色小花,呈彩球状紧密排列,非常美丽。
Alliumecpa L, also known as onion, is an ornamental, medicinal and lush vegetable for Liliaceae. The bulb flat spherical, fat and fragrant, outside the red coating, hence the name. In recent years, Wuhan flowers and vegetables researchers together to explore the red film jade culture, potted onions Scallions were affixed stickers auspicious words and Lou perforated lines, so that printed on top, excellent ornamental value, a Good gift of relatives and friends gift. In particular, the newly cultivated Chinese flat leaf varieties, leaves like blue, can be a few false real, and pink flowers, mixed with green and white flowers, were spherical color arranged closely, very beautiful.