
来源 :中华航空航天医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkhyuse
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笔者查阅国内外近10年的有关文献,综述了女性航空史与近期发展、体质特征、特殊保健和飞行适应性等问题。男女有别乃客观存在,除体型结构方面的差别外,在肌肉力量、骨骼强度、循环系统和呼吸系统等方面,女性均较男性为弱。同时,还存在月经周期和妊娠等生理问题。尽管如此,由于同一性别内的个体差异较大,两性间的体能状况又有一定的重叠,加之人体生理储备能力较大,因此,性别不是排斥人们从事战斗飞行的决定因素,关键在于选拔和训练。某些方面女性还有一定的优势。从航空医学方面研究认定,女性的飞行适应能力与男性差别不大。经实验证明,只要抗荷服装设计得体,女性的+GZ耐力也不比男飞行员差。当然,由于女性骨强度较小,在救生和安全方面值得注意,对女性的生理问题也要适当加以保护。总之,战斗机女飞行员在美国和欧洲某些国家早已成为现实,我国尚无战斗机女飞行员。随着时代的前进,战斗机女飞行员的选拔和训练问题将是我国航空航天医学界一个值得关注的领域。 The author consulted relevant literature at home and abroad for nearly 10 years and reviewed issues such as the history and recent development of female aviation, physical characteristics, special health care and flight adaptability. Men and women do not exist objectively. In addition to differences in size and structure, women are weaker than men in terms of muscle strength, skeletal strength, circulatory system, and respiratory system. At the same time, there are physiological problems such as menstrual cycle and pregnancy. In spite of this, because of the large differences among individuals within the same gender and the overlapping of physical fitness between the sexes, as well as the greater capacity of human physiological reserve, gender is not the determinant of excluding people from engaging in combat flights. The key lies in the selection and training . Women in some areas have some advantages. From aviation medical research finds that women’s ability to adapt to flight and men are not different. The experiment proved that as long as the anti-Dutch clothing design decent, women’s + GZ endurance is not worse than the male pilots. Of course, due to the lesser strength of female bones, which is noteworthy in terms of life-saving and safety, women’s physiological problems should also be appropriately protected. In short, fighter pilots have already become a reality in some countries in the United States and Europe. There are no fighter pilots in our country yet. With the progress of the times, the issue of the selection and training of female pilot of fighter aircraft will be a field of concern to the aerospace medical community in our country.
1 病例报告例 1 女 ,2 7岁。因腰骨痛伴身材变矮 3a于 1995 - 0 8- 0 2入院。 3a前无诱因出现腰痛 ,进行性加重 ,伴髂骶骨、四肢骨疼痛 ,背渐变驼 ,身高逐渐缩短 16 cm,病