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在分省独立命题的今天,地方卷正呈现“百花齐放”的可喜局面,追求地域特色也成为各地命题者自觉遵循的目标。《语文课程标准》指出:“各地区都蕴藏着自然、社会、人文等多种语文课程资源,要有强烈的资源意识,去努力开发,积极利用。”因此,挖掘地域性的自然、社会、人文资源更能拓展学生语文学习的外延,让学生在具体的现实中学语文、用语文,并在此过程中更了解家乡,激发热爱家乡的情感。地域特色首先表现在独特的地域文化上。在这方面体现比较突出的是北京卷,通过阅读、语言表达以及作文等多项测试题,传达出浓厚的京味。无论是现代文阅读中的《天坛之 Today, according to the province’s independent proposition, the local volume is presenting a gratifying situation of “hundred flowers”, and the pursuit of regional characteristics has also become the goal that all local propositions consciously follow. The “Language Curriculum Standards” pointed out that: “Each region is rich in natural, social, humanities and other multi-language curriculum resources, and we must have a strong sense of resources to develop and actively use it.” Therefore, the excavation of regional nature, Social and humanities resources can expand the extension of students’ language learning, allowing students to understand their hometowns in specific real-life middle schools and languages, and stimulate their passion for their hometowns. Regional characteristics are first expressed in a unique regional culture. The most prominent embodiment of this is Beijing. Through a variety of test questions such as reading, language expression, and composition, it conveys a strong Beijing flavor. Whether it is the “Temple of Heaven” in modern reading
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【题目】实验与探究:如图1,正方形ABCD的对角线相交于点O,O又是正方形A_1B_1C_1O的一个顶点,两个正方形的边长相等,那么无论正方形A_1B_1C_1O绕点O怎样转动,两 【Title】Ex
智能家居是住宅智能化的核心。到2010年,全国大中城市中60%的住宅要实现智能化,这将给安防行业产品带来巨大市场。 Smart home is the core of residential intelligence. B