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6月14日-17日,“2009中国北京国际节能环保展览会”在京开幕,这是由北京市人民政府和国家发展和改革委员会共同主办的。今年展会适度扩大了展览范围,增设了供暖节能区、生活节能节水互动区、总后勤部节能新技术应用成果展示区、商务洽谈区等区域,展览中出现了更多的新产品与新技术。在北京国际节能环保展上,北京市发展和改革委员会负责人宣布,今后将对大型公共建筑等推行合同能源管理。根据北京最新发布的《合同能源管理项目扶持办法(试行)》,对采用合同能源管理方式实施的节能改造项目,将区别不同类型予以政府资金支持。 From June 14th to June 17th, “2009 China Beijing International Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Exhibition” was opened in Beijing. It was jointly sponsored by the Beijing Municipal People’s Government and the National Development and Reform Commission. This year, the exhibition expanded the scope of the exhibition to an appropriate extent, adding areas such as heating energy-saving zones, living energy-saving and water-saving interactive zones, the General Logistics Department’s energy-saving new technology application achievement display area, and business negotiation zones. More new products and technologies emerged in the exhibition. . At the Beijing International Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Exhibition, the person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission announced that it will implement contract energy management for large-scale public buildings in the future. According to Beijing’s newly released “Support Measures for Contract Energy Management Projects (Trial)”, energy-saving retrofit projects implemented using contracted energy management methods will be differentiated from government funding support for different types.
近年来,部分地市的数学中考命题中出现了如下试题:若(4b)~(1/a+b)与(3a+b)~(1/2)是同类二次根式,则 a,b 的值是( )。A.a=0,b=2B.a=1,b=1C.a=0,b=2或 a=1,b=1D.a=2,b=0此题所
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【题目】实验与探究:如图1,正方形ABCD的对角线相交于点O,O又是正方形A_1B_1C_1O的一个顶点,两个正方形的边长相等,那么无论正方形A_1B_1C_1O绕点O怎样转动,两 【Title】Ex
智能家居是住宅智能化的核心。到2010年,全国大中城市中60%的住宅要实现智能化,这将给安防行业产品带来巨大市场。 Smart home is the core of residential intelligence. B