
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dgqshwf
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一、大赛说明本次大赛分高中、初中两个组进行.教师可以以个人名义参赛,学校教研组也可组织集体参赛.初赛在本刊上公开刊登试题,参赛者在规定时间内只要将答案寄给编辑部即可.我部根据评委阅卷成绩确定一、二、三等奖.其中一等奖获得者有资格参加复赛,复赛将采用闭卷面试形式.复赛时间另行单独通知.对复赛优胜者颁发特等奖,授予解题能手称号,并直接聘为我刊解题栏目特约编辑. First, the contest description This contest is divided into two groups: high school and junior high school. Teachers can participate in their own name. The school teaching and research group can also organize group competitions. Preliminary competitions are published publicly in this journal. Participants only send their answers within a specified time. To the editorial department, the Ministry will determine the first, second and third prizes according to the evaluation results of the judges. Among them, the winner of the first prize is eligible to participate in the semi-finals. The semi-finals will use the closed interview form. The rematch time will be separately notified. The winners of the semi-finals will be awarded. Grand Prize, awarded the title of problem solving expert, and directly hired as a special editor for the topic column of my publication.
近年来,部分地市的数学中考命题中出现了如下试题:若(4b)~(1/a+b)与(3a+b)~(1/2)是同类二次根式,则 a,b 的值是( )。A.a=0,b=2B.a=1,b=1C.a=0,b=2或 a=1,b=1D.a=2,b=0此题所
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
【题目】实验与探究:如图1,正方形ABCD的对角线相交于点O,O又是正方形A_1B_1C_1O的一个顶点,两个正方形的边长相等,那么无论正方形A_1B_1C_1O绕点O怎样转动,两 【Title】Ex
智能家居是住宅智能化的核心。到2010年,全国大中城市中60%的住宅要实现智能化,这将给安防行业产品带来巨大市场。 Smart home is the core of residential intelligence. B