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胶带运输机在运转中最常见的故障是胶带跑偏,如果处理不及时,会使皮带严重磨损,物料散落,机组不能正常运转。胶带跑偏有设计、安装、调整、使用等多方面的原因。现就跑偏原因及处理方法阐述如下。 9.槽形托辊安装不正 托辊的轴线与胶带运输机的中心线不垂直,此时胶带最容易跑偏。 处理方法是调正托辊。但是安装不正的托辊究竟有多少,靠视力检查是困难的,只能根据胶带跑偏的范围一组一组地调正。即把胶带跑偏处的托辊架顺着胶带运行方向移动一段距离,或将另一边的托辊架顺着胶带运 Belt conveyor in the operation of the most common fault is the tape deviation, if not handled properly, will make the belt serious wear and tear, material scattered, the unit can not be normal operation. Belt deviated from the design, installation, adjustment, use and other reasons. The reasons for deviation and treatment are described below. 9. Groove-shaped roller installation is not correct The roller axis and tape conveyor centerline is not vertical, then the tape is the easiest deviation. Approach is to adjust the roller. However, the number of rollers installed incorrectly, depending on the visual inspection is difficult, can only be based on the scope of tape deviation adjusted one by one. That is, the roller belt at the deviation of the tape moves along the tape running direction for some distance, or the other side of the roller holder along the tape shipped
一、矿山机动工作的形势 党的十一届三中全会以来,广大矿山职工努力工作,认真贯彻“调整、改革、整顿、提高”的方针,冶金矿山设备管理、维修工作发生了可喜的变化。 通过调
本文介绍了对135×155mm机组改造的情况。由于采用了新技术,加强了生产、技术管理,使该机组的主要经济指标达到国内同类型设备的水平,促进了连铸生产的发展。 This article
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意大利萨明集团购买苏联基夫塞特法建设炼铅厂,生产稳定。床能力5~6.5吨炉料/米~2·日,铅回收率98.5%,锌在65%以上。 Italy Saming Group to buy the Soviet Union Kefu Seit
粉煤系统改造后,每年可节省燃料煤2700多吨,电46万度,而且改善了劳动条件,减轻了对环境的污染。 After the reform of the pulverized coal system, it can save more than