Identification of differentially expressed proteins between human esophageal immortalized and carcin

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongmeizi1988
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AIM:To identify the differentially expressed proteinsbetween the human immortalized esophageal epithelial cellline(SHEE)and the malignant transformed esophagealcarcinoma cell line(SHEEC),and to explore new ways forstudying esophageal carcinoma associated genes.METHODS:SHEE and SHEEC cell lines were used toseparate differentially expressed proteins by two-dimensionalelectrophoresis.The silver-stained 2-D gels was scannedwith EDAS290 digital camera system and analyzed with thePDQuest 6.2 Software.Six spots in which the differentiallyexpressed protein was more obvious were selected andanalyzed with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization timeof flying mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF-MS).RESULTS:There were 107±4.58 and 115±9.91 proteinspots observed in SHEE and SHEEC respectively,and themajority of these spots between the two cell lines matchedeach other(r=0.772),only a few were expresseddifferentially.After analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS and databasesearch for the six differentially expressed proteins,One newprotein as well as other five sequence-known proteinsincluding RNPEP-like protein,human rRNA gene upstreamsequence binding transcription factor,uracil DNA glycosylase,Annexin A2 and p300/CBP-associated factor werepreliminarily identified.CONCLUSION: These differentially expressed proteins might play an importance role during malignant transformation of SHEEC from SHEE. The identification of these proteins may serve as a new way for studying esophageal carcinoma associated genes. AIM: To identify the differentially expressed proteins between the human immortalized esophageal epithelial cell line (SHEE) and the malignant transformed esophageal carcinoma cell line (SHEEC), and to explore new ways forstudying esophageal carcinoma associated genes. METHODS: SHEE and SHEEC cell lines were used toseparate differentially expressed proteins by two-dimensionalelectrophoresis.The silver-stained 2-D gels was scanned with EDAS290 digital camera system and analyzed with the PDQuest 6.2 Software. Six spots in which the differentiallyexpressed protein was more obvious were selected andalyzed with matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization timeof flying mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) .RESULTS: There were 107 ± 4.58 and 115 ± 9.91 proteinspots observed in SHEE and SHEEC respectively, and the majority of these spots between the two cell lines matchedeach other (r = 0.772), only a few were expressed differentially. After the analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS and database search for the six differentially expressed proteins, One new protein as well as other five sequence-known proteinsincluding RNPEP-like protein, human rRNA gene upstream sequence binding transcription factor, uracil DNA glycosylase, Annexin A2 and p300 / CBP-associated factor were preliminarily identified.CONCLUSION: These differentially expressed proteins might play an importance role during malignant transformation of SHEEC from SHEE. The identification of these proteins may serve as a new way for studying esophageal carcinoma associated genes.
本文从有机分析教学的现状,提出三个方面的教学方法改革:即观念、原则和途径. This article from the status of organic analysis of teaching, proposed three aspects of te
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