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以江苏省稻麦秸秆收集为例,采用问卷调查与实地调研相结合的方法,调查了稻麦秸秆收集利用现状;结合当地稻麦收获期间的气象资料,分析了稻麦秸秆收集面临的困难。结果显示:1目前稻麦秸秆的主要利用方式是直接还田,供调研2个乡(镇)秸秆还田农户分别占调研户数的22.01%和28.75%;2个乡(镇)均有部分稻麦秸秆没有得到有效处理,乡(镇)B 50%以上的农户稻麦秸秆未被利用,被遗弃和焚烧的比例高达55%以上;2稻麦收获季节旬降水量为7.21~87.28 mm,旬降水时间为1.53~5.00 d,降水天气不仅影响稻麦的适时收获,更严重影响着秸秆的收集打捆、运输与贮存;3稻麦收获时间相对集中,大量秸秆短时间内产生,收种时间几乎完全重叠,可供秸秆收集的时间极短;4秸秆收集效益低,农户收集运输的收益约为60~90元/d,低于外出务工收入,难以吸引社会资本投入到秸秆收贮产业;5秸秆收集打捆装备缺乏,现有收集装备及技术亟需改进和完善,秸秆收集机械化水平低,直接影响到收集效率。以上结果表明,可收集时间短、受天气影响大、收集效益低、收集机械化水平低是当前阻碍稻麦秸秆收集的主要问题,应提升秸秆收集效益驱动力,加快稻麦收割打捆机研发,建立秸秆收集长效运行机制,以解决秸秆收集难题。 Taking the collection of rice straw and wheat straw in Jiangsu Province as an example, the current situation of the collection and utilization of rice straw and wheat straw was investigated by the combination of questionnaire survey and field investigation. Based on the meteorological data during the harvesting period of rice and wheat, the difficulties of straw collection were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The main mode of utilization of rice straw is direct return to the field, for the investigation of two townships (towns) straw farmers accounted for 22.01% and 28.75% respectively; 2 townships Rice straw was not effectively treated, more than 50% of rural (town) B rice straw was unused, abandoned and incinerated as high as 55%; 2 rice and wheat harvest season, the amount of precipitation was 7.21 ~ 87.28 mm, Ten-day precipitation time is 1.53 ~ 5.00 d, the precipitation weather not only affects the timely harvest of rice and wheat, more serious impact on the straw bale collection, transport and storage; 3 rice and wheat harvest time is relatively concentrated, a large number of straw produced within a short period of time, The time is almost completely overlapping, straw collection time is very short; 4 straw collection efficiency is low, farmers income from the collection and transportation of about 60 to 90 yuan / d, less than migrant workers income, it is difficult to attract social capital into the straw storage industry ; 5 lack of straw baling equipment, the existing collection equipment and technology in urgent need of improvement and improvement of the straw collection mechanization level is low, directly affects the collection efficiency. The above results show that the collection time is short, the weather is affected, the collection efficiency is low, and the low level of mechanization of collection is the main obstacle to the collection of rice straw. The driving force of straw collection efficiency should be enhanced and the research and development of rice and wheat harvesting balers should be accelerated. Establish long-term straw collection mechanism to solve the problem of straw collection.
经历了人生的大起大落,悲悲喜喜,对生活乃至生命逐渐变得达观。此时,重读汪国真的诗句 ,才真正明白“博大可以稀释忧愁,深色可以覆盖浅色”。  其实,我们的不快乐,或许只是因为我们对这个世界要求太多,而现实却又离我们的理想太过遥远,永远跟不上理想的步伐,正如时下流行语“理想太丰满,现实太骨感”所言。  既如此,我们也只能降低对生命的要求,用博大去包容。一如友情,我们可以毫无顾忌地去爱,思念一个人,但永
基于室外干湿球温度两个变量的统计 ,得出联合频率表法 ,并将其引入动态计算空调负荷的BIN法 ,动态、直观地反映空调负荷随室外温度和湿度的变化 ,给出了计算图表 ,比较了两