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党的十六届三中全会《决定》历史性地提出要“大力发展国有资本、集体资本和非公有资本等参股的混合所有制经济”,这是一个大政策,它为公有制经济特别是国有经济的改革调整指出了方向。从四川的国有经济力量较强、非公有制经济正迅速发展的省情出发,将国有经济的调整改革与非公 The “decision” made by the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee has historically proposed to “vigorously develop the mixed ownership economy in which state-owned capital, collective capital and non-public capital are participating,” which is a major policy for the public-owned economy, especially the state-owned economy The reform adjustment pointed out the direction. Starting from the fact that the state-owned economy in Sichuan is strong and the non-public sector of the economy is developing rapidly, the adjustment and reform of the state-owned economy and the non-public
正如勒鲁所说,平等这个词 概括了人类迄今为止所取 得的一切进步,也可以说 它概括了人类过去的一切生活,从 这个意义上说,它代表人类已经走 过的全部历程的结果、目的和最终
It is reported for the first time that the Pt/C catalyst can be prepared with a new and simple organic sol method using SnCl2 as the reductant. It was found th
The paper reported a novel and efflcient aerobic oxidative coupling reaction of 2-naphthol derivatives catalyzed by CuCu (Ⅰ or Ⅱ)N-alkylimidazole complexes i
L-Lysine was produced by a microbial process utilizing a Corynebacterium glutamicum (ATCC 21799) strain. L-Lysine was purified from the cultivated medium by fix
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