水货手机 你真的需要吗?

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认识水货手机 水货手机可分为A类、B类和C类。 A类水货手机是指没有经过正常海关渠道进入国内市场的走私货,目的是为了逃避国家关税因产品经过不正当改装而不能够通过正常渠道入关,质量一般没有大的问题。但由于逃避关税本身就是违法的,所以购买这类手机的用户根本得不到任何售后保障服务;B类水货手机就是走私者将手机的系统软件由英文版升级至中文版后,偷运到内地牟利的产品;C类水货手机则是用其他型号机改装、更换芯片等等方法做假“生产”出来的产品,质量根本没有保证。 水货手机虽然不排除它是原厂正货的可能,但通 Understand parallel phone Mobile phone can be divided into A class, B class and C class. Class A parallel imports of mobile phones refers to the smuggled goods that have not gone through the normal customs channels to enter the domestic market, the purpose is to avoid the national tariff because the product after improper modification can not be through the normal channels of entry, the quality is generally no major problems. However, since the tariff escaping is illegal in itself, subscribers who purchase such mobile phones do not have any after-sales support services. Class B parallel mobile phones are smuggled into the Mainland after the smugglers upgrade their mobile phone system software from the English version to the Chinese version Profit-making products; C parallel imports of mobile phones is to use other models modified, replace the chips and so on fake “production” out of the product, there is no guarantee of quality. Although the parallel phone does not rule out it is the original goods may be, but pass
家里或多或少会积存一些没用的旧书、旧杂志,丢了可惜,不丢又占位置。别着急,如果您家里有一个可爱的小宝宝,做父母的可以“变废为宝”,将它们变成宝宝的好玩具。 Home mor
眼下,越来越多的银行卡走进家庭,到底这些卡具有哪些功能?它们之间有什么不同?仅工商银行而言,四种卡就各有各的特点,您不妨根据需要加以选择。 牡丹灵通卡:属于储蓄卡,和活