凝聚四海英才 丰林扬帆远航——与广西丰林木业集团董事长刘一川先生及其管理团队面对面

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我们常常会遇到一些看似普通的人或事能显现出非凡的力量,或厚积薄发,或一鸣惊人,在关键时刻显山露水,让世人永远记住它……广西丰林木业集团就是这样一个公司!它从南宁发展到百色再到环江,七条生产线一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打;它不求奢华,强修内功,坚持市场化之路,资产规模从2003年的3.2亿元迅速发展到了2006年的10亿元,年产人造板能力达到55万立方米,产品获得国家免检和广西名牌称号,建设速生丰产原料林基地近20万亩;它以国际视野广纳人才,组建核心管理团队;它与国际资本IFC联姻,迈开国际化征程;它高瞻远瞩,发展林业循环经济;它回馈社会,造福桑梓,将国际视野的民营企业与中国扶贫光彩事业紧紧联在一起。 We often encounter some seemingly ordinary people or things can show extraordinary strength, or generous, or blockbuster, showing off dew at the critical moment, so that the world will always remember it ... ... Guangxi Fenglin Wood Group is such a company! It developed from Nanning to Huanjiang Baise and then, the seven production lines step by step, steady and steady; it does not seek luxury, strong repair internal strength, adhere to the market-oriented road, asset size from 2003 to 320 million yuan rapid development in 2006 Of the annual output of wood-based panel capacity of 550,000 cubic meters, the product won the national exemption and the title of Guangxi famous brand, building fast-growing high yield raw material forest base nearly 200,000 acres; it is broad international talent to set up core management team; it It is a marriage of international capital and IFC. It takes a long-term view and develops circular economy in forestry industry. It contributes to the society and benefits the homeland and links the private enterprise with international perspective with the glorious cause of poverty alleviation in China.
先请看下面两个句子: Theylifted a rock only to have it drop on their own feet.他们搬起石头(结果却)砸了自己的脚。 He rushed to the door,only to discover that it
序 1、辙我者贵~(70) 吾言甚易知,甚易行。天下莫能知,莫能行。言有宗,事有根。夫唯无知,是以无我知。知我者稀,辙我者贵矣。呜呼圣人披褐怀玉。 自然 Sequence 1, rut I e
2007年1月1日起,山东省牟平供电公司根据烟台市物价局(烟价[2003]97号)《关于下达烟台市城乡居民生活用电有偿服务收费标准的通知》和(烟 As of January 1, 2007, Muping Po
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