
来源 :首都博物馆论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinglesssss
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近些年,国内各地区纷纷建立或改造博物馆,力求全面展示本地区的历史文化、风物人情,为社会公益教育服务。现代化的博物馆展览,不单是陈列器物、展示艺术品,而是综合各领域、各学科协调与合作的成果,涉及历史、艺术、展示设计、文学以及配套服务、安全保卫等相关工作。博物馆本身是为社会公众服务的机构,工作的成果都是要落实到为参观者服务上,以观众视角,体会展览呈现的效果与得到的收获。在展览宣传服务方面,需要博物馆工作者细致分析参观者心理,深入调研,因为这是观众接触博物馆展览最前沿、最直接的途径和方式,直接关系着参观者对博物馆展览的第一印象和认知度,提升“后参观时间段”的展览认同感。凭借何种方式让观众了解并对博物馆展览产生兴趣,来到博物馆,享受博物馆内历史文化氛围。最直接的方式就是:扩大宣传,做好展览的服务工作。本文探讨近年首都博物馆免费宣传品的相关工作,将从博物馆免费宣传品的作用及不同参观者对宣传品的需求、品种及用途、近几年的宣传品发展、制作流程,以及今后的发展方向几个方面论述。 In recent years, various regions in China have established or renovated museums in an effort to fully display the history, culture and customs of the region and serve the social welfare education. The exhibition of modern museums is not only an exhibition of artifacts and exhibits of works of art, but also the result of coordination and cooperation in various fields and disciplines. It involves history, art, exhibition design, literature, ancillary services, security and other related work. The museum itself is an institution that serves the public. The fruits of its work are to be implemented in the service of visitors, and the audience’s perspective is used to understand the effects and benefits of the exhibition. In the field of exhibition publicity services, museum workers are required to carefully analyze the visitor’s psychology and conduct in-depth research as this is the most direct way and way for the audience to contact the forefront of museum exhibitions, which is directly related to the first impression and recognition of the visitors to the museum exhibition Knowledge, promotion “after visiting time ” exhibition identity. By means of letting the audience know and interested in exhibitions in the museum, come to the museum and enjoy the historical and cultural atmosphere in the museum. The most direct way is: to expand publicity, good exhibition services. This article explores the related works of the free publicity materials of the Capital Museum in recent years. It will analyze the role of free museum publicity materials and the demand, variety and use of publicity materials by different visitors, the development of publicity materials, the production process and the future development direction in recent years Several aspects discussed.
柽麻Crotalaria juncea L.又称太阳麻、印度麻、菽麻。柽麻是一种豆科绿肥作物,它具有根瘤固氮、生长快、青量高、播期长、适应性广等优点,故在农业上适合多茬口套种、间作
那年我25岁,无数个夙兴夜寐,换来一个硕士学位,额上的抬头纹分外明显,脚下却半步也不敢停歇。如果不想让户口打回原籍,得赶紧找份留京工作。你不着急,“魔兽世界”和“红色警报”早玩腻了,你野心勃勃地筹划着创业。你在校园里建起配送网站,大张旗鼓地招兵买马,大小媒体的记者蜂拥而至。你以照顾自己人的口气对我说,兄弟,一起发财如何?  好呀,可惜,我不能。创业于你,是可进可退可攻可守的棋,启动资金有亲戚帮忙筹
本文从地市级博物馆角度出发,结合博物馆陈列展览,从内容选题、陈列框架、展品选取和文字说明四个方面阐述了影响陈列内容设计的关键要素以及撰写内容设计的具体方法。 From