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  China, at the invitation of the governments of Algeria, the Sudan, and Palestine, dispatched medical teams on May 14th and June 10th respectively to help the local governments overcome the pandemic. The team stationed in Algeria, after completing its work, moved to the Sudan to selflessly continue its duty. It was not until June 12th that the team was back to Chongqing. Having successfully completed all the work, the team dispatched to Palestine returned to Chongqing on June 18th.
  China’s evolved know-how in fighting and containing the novel coronavirus, especially the work of dedicated medical teams, enabled the three countries to benefit from China’s experience, winning acclaims of the countries and peoples and becoming the centerpiece of local media’s coverage.
  China’s medical team to Algeria and the Sudan   China's medical team to Algeria and the Sudan organized by the National Health Commission was composed of 20 members. Among them 15 were selected from by Chongqing Municipal Government, main members of Chongqing’s expert panel for Covid-19 prevention and control, and the rest by Macao SAR Government.
  During the period of 30 days, the team, under the leadership of the Chinese Embassies in Algeria and the Sudan, shared Chongqing’s and Macao’s experience and discussed prevention and control measures with government officials and technical experts from both countries, the WHO local offices and the medical workers on the front line of health systems, and put forward technical recommendations. At the same time, the team provided training and guidance on containment techniques to China-funded organizations, overseas Chinese and international students in both countries. It also rendered technical support to the patients’ treatment in addition to medicines delivery and consulting service. The team carried out exchange through video connection with government officials and technical experts from neighboring countries such as Egypt, South Sudan, Morocco, and Mauritania, and provided training and guidance for relevant Chinese personnel.
  The medical team visited medical institutions such as local hospitals, laboratories, and research institutes 23 times and held technical exchange meetings 56 times, offered on-site instructions 19 times, and launched more than 30 special training sessions and trained 5,400 person-times or so. It submitted multilingual proposals on the prevention and control measures in local contexts to the two countries’ public health ministries.
  China’s medical team was highly appreciated by the Algerian and Sudanese governments and their peoples. Dignitaries of the two countries, including Algeria's minister of health Mr. Abderraham Benbouzid, prime minister of Sudan's transitional government Mr. Abdalla Hamdok, member of the Sovereignty Committee and chairman of the Supreme Council for Emergency Mr. Tawar received the team to gain insights from China's experience in prevention and control and to explore improvement of local work.
  In Algeria and the Sudan, Mr. Zhou Lin, head of the medical team and deputy director-general of the Chongqing Health Commission, handed over the medical supplies donated by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government to the two countries on Chongqing’s behalf. The donation once again exemplified China's resolve in worldwide efforts to contain the outbreak of the novel disease.   China’s medical team in Palestine
  China's medical team to support Palestine’s fight against the virus was formed by the National Health Commission and selected by the Chongqing Municipal People's Government, with ten members from the Chongqing Health Commission, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, the Chongqing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the First and Second Affiliated Hospitals of Chongqing Medical University, and Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.
  Under the leadership of the Chinese Representative Office to Palestine, the team conducted intensive cooperation, during the eight days of work, with Palestine’s officials, technical experts and medical staff of local institutions, shared technologies and experience, discussed local response measures, and raised technical recommendations. For international organizations including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the WHO representative office in Palestine, the team contributed China’s and Chongqing’s know-how and experience and offered technical training and guidance to China-funded institutions, overseas Chinese, and international students.
  During its stay, the team visited local hospitals, laboratories, and research institutes, among other institutions, 23 times, held 15 technical exchange meetings, carried out eight sessions of technical guidance and 13 thematic training sessions, training about 500 person-times. It also signed a framework agreement on telemedicine cooperation with Palestine.
  Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Ishtaye, Palestinian media chief Assaf, head of Fatah Party's Commissioner General of the Arab and Chinese Affairs Abbas Zaki, and Palestinian health minister Mai al-Kailah, among other leaders, met with the team several times in gratitude for China’s selfless support to Palestinian’s fight against the pandemic, and jointly discussed the next stage of measures for prevention and control work.
  Chongqing’s medical teams to support the countries in the battle, a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), braved the virulent contagion and pressed ahead, reaffirming the responsibility and commitment of Chongqing's healthcare and foreign-affairs professionals. Chongqing's medical teams to Algeria, the Sudan, and Palestine in the relief effort have consolidated the friendship and medical exchanges and cooperation and contributed to international public health security in a joint effort.
  Photos provided by Chongqing Health Commission
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初心如磐,使命在肩。在决战脱贫攻坚、决胜全面小康的关键时刻,我们迎来中国共产党的99周年诞辰。  99年前,南湖红船开启了引领中华民族伟大复兴的浩荡航程。中华民族的命运与中国共产党紧密地联系在一起,紧紧依靠人民,不断造福人民,牢牢植根人民,人民对中国共产党的信赖、拥护和支持始终不渝。  从红船到巨轮,不忘初心、牢记使命。人民至上、生命至上,是中国共产党一以贯之的理念。  6月22日,习近平主席在致
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正如一名民间俗语所言:“学好一辈子,学坏一分钟。”  2001年9月底的一个晚上,原安徽省芜湖市建设部第二航运公司四公司经理丁道发家突发大火,被烧成重伤的丁经理夫妇住院10天后相继身亡。  一个月后,传出了一个令人震惊的消息,纵火嫌犯竟然是丁道发生前照顾有加、视为干儿子的心腹司机胡金林!  胡金林为何丧心病狂,恩将仇报呢?这里面隐藏着什么样的秘密?    有恩必报,  经理悉心提携农村伢    原
4月23日至24日,市政府外办党组书记、主任章勇武一行赴奉节县平安乡开展扶贫调研。走访了市政府外办对口帮扶的平安乡茨竹村已脱贫贫困户,勉励他们继续发展好产业,进一步增收致富。  章勇武对奉节县平安乡精准扶贫、党建促脱贫等工作給予高度评价。他表示,市政府外办将坚决落实市委、市政府部署要求,加大对口帮扶力度,在用好外事渠道宣介奉节文旅资源、支持茨竹扶贫产业发展和基础设施改善等方面持续用力,为奉节县夺取
爱没有标准答案。  2001年5月9日,对于就读于北京某名牌大学的胡卫庆来说,是个绝对刻骨铭心的日子。发生在那天午夜前后不到3分钟的血案,迅速毁灭了这个青年大学生如花似锦的前程。  而最后,当胡卫庆被戴上冰冷的手铐,一丝悔恨的眼泪终于从他年轻的脸庞上悄然滑落……  为你钟情  1997年8月,19岁的胡卫庆以全市第三名的高考成绩告别父母,从遥远的哈尔滨来到北京。  他的行囊中除了沉甸甸的书本之外,
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要知道什么是失败    那是一个糟糕的赛季的最后一场冰球比赛。当时我在塞勒姆高中读最后一年。我们分别击败3个球队,赢了头3场比赛,但在随后的6场比赛中,我们全都输掉了,而且其中5场都是一球之差。所以在最后一场比赛中,我们都极度地渴求胜利。作为塞勒姆女巫队的副队长,我独进两球,顿时大家都觉得运气相当不错。  那确实是场十分精彩的比赛,双方打成2比2后进入了加时赛。但是很快,对方进了一球——我们又输了
《改革开放口述史》(新版)  作 者:欧阳淞 高永中  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  全书精选中国改革开放40年历程中具有代表性的重大决策和重大事件,通过对亲历者、决策者,并长期担任党和国家领导职位的近60位老同志的采访,以口述史的形式,展现改革开放40年中诸多重大决策的出台过程,以及其中许多鲜为人知的细节。  《中国古代文化常识》  (插图修订第4版)  作 者:王力  出版社:北京联合出版公司