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入夏以来,气候干旱,各地先后发生各种虫害,成为当前爱国发家丰产运动的严重威胁。目前尤以蝗蝻、棉蚜为害最烈,现已有三十县内发生蝗蝻,面积达二十余万亩。各地棉田也普遍发生棉蚜,繁殖蔓延甚快,部份棉株已有萎缩枯死现象,各地正在大力发动农民积极扑打除治中。但已发生的蝗虫尚未完全捕灭,新的蝗蝻还在继续发生,有的地区蝗蝻已开始越过五龄蜕化生翅,有的已起飞迁移。棉蚜仍在继续发展已到紧迫阶段。应高度重视,并紧急地动员起来领导农民采取有效措施,为火速彻底捕灭蝗虫棉蚜,保证粗棉丰产,特作如下指示:一、切实贯彻「治早、治小、治了」的原则,与当前夏种、夏锄密切相结合,分别轻重缓急恰当地掌握进行,目前凡已发生之蝗蝻应迅速动员广大农民集中力量,在蝗蝻未生翅前彻底扑灭;对已生翅和邻区飞来的蝗虫,更应克服困难大力扑灭,切实做到飞到那里,消灭在那里,并连续发动群众侦察,查卵、挖卵,制止秋蝗发生,目前各地蝗蝻如不能彻底扑灭,势必酿成巨大蝗灾,不但春季作物遭到严重损失,且会发生秋蝗,留下来年祸根。 Since the beginning of summer, due to the arid climate and the various pests that have taken place in various places, it has become a serious threat to the current pro-rich country’s pro-rich movement. At present, locust gall, cotton aphid most damaging, now there are thirty counties occurred locust gall, an area of ​​more than twenty acres. Cotton aphids are also commonly occurring in cotton fields throughout the country. The propagation of the cotton aphid is very rapid and some cotton plants have been shrinking and dying. All localities are vigorously mobilizing peasants to actively fight the disease. However, the locusts that have taken place have not yet been completely extinct. New locusts have continued to occur. In some areas, locusts have started to degenerate past the fifth instar and some have taken off and migrated. Cotton aphid is still continuing its development has reached an urgent stage. We should attach great importance to it and urgently mobilize them to take effective measures to lead peasants to take effective measures to completely eliminate the cotton aphid from locusts and ensure a high yield of coarse cotton. We hereby make the following special instructions: I. Implementing the principle of “treating early, treating small and treating” , And the current summer summer, summer hoe closely combined, respectively, priorities and appropriate grasp of the moment, where the occurrence of the locusts should now mobilize the majority of peasants to concentrate on the locust flies before the fin completely extinguished; The locusts that come here should vigorously overcome their own difficulties and fight hard to flee there. They should eliminate where they are flying and launch the mass reconnaissance, egg check and egg-cutting exercises to stop the occurrence of autumn locusts. If locusts are not completely extinguished at present, they will inevitably lead to Huge locust plague, not only serious damage to the spring crops, and the autumn locust will occur, leaving the next year curse.
像那春蚕一样献出一生的忠诚,像那冬梅一样吟唱早春的歌声。这是对教师生活的真实写照。带着梦想,我于2012年荣幸的加入了榆中一中这所有着200多名师资力量的省重点高中。走进校园,满怀着对教师工作的憧憬和希望,开始了我的教育生涯。  刚踏上教育工作岗位的我,虽然对教育事业充满了憧憬和热情,但也因为角色的转换而感到迷茫。值得庆幸的是,在我教育生涯刚刚起步的时候,学校为每位新教师配了教学上的师傅,帮助我们
捷克CZ75D式与CZ85D式紧凑型手枪 捷克CZ公司推出的CZ75式系列手枪和CZ85式系列手枪的新产品,均已通过捷克的里帕布里克市警察试验并取得好评。图片上方为CZ75D式紧凑型手枪
Objectve To study the new insight into the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis. Methods Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor-α(
童年,到了17岁之后,这个词显得有些可望而不可即。童年,有我最真挚的笑容,有我最开心的日子……现在想想,都会感到温馨与快乐,真想回到小时候!  我的家乡,虽然没有大海环绕,但也有小河蜿蜒流过,那河水清澈到都难以形容。小时候,我总会和一群小伙伴们下河游泳,惹得钓鱼的老人们都远远地离开了我们,而淘气的我,总会向他们的方向扔石头,气得他们在岸边嚷起来,而我们这些淘孩子就会在水里猫着偷笑。  童年时,田间
摘要:信息技术作为重要的技术工具,在其他学科的应用已进入了开放式的发展阶段,更是课堂教学方式改革的发展方向。本文主要阐述了信息技术在生物学科教学应用过程中的一些问题。  关键词:信息技术;生物教学;应用  中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-8454(2008)10-0029-02     在我国,随着社会的发展进步,要贯彻实施以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育,关键是
又到了满地金黄的季节。秋天,我喜欢登高望远,看那层林尽染。十一长假,我与父母一起到亚布力游玩。  到了亚布力,清新的空气顿时扑面而来,满山五颜六色的叶子也迫不及待地映入眼帘。放眼望去,满山的叶子形成一幅美丽的画,红彤彤、绿油油、金灿灿……各种颜色应有尽有,显得格外美丽。一阵风吹过,树叶齐声歌唱,它们争着飞向天空,好像要把天空都染上缤纷的色彩。而后又以叶柄为躯干,以叶面为舞裙,在空中翩翩起舞,跳起了