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减轻农民负担是党中央、国务院十分关心的问题。最近,中办、国办联合发出紧急通知,要求各地冻结一切向农民摊派、集资、收费项目,广大农民对此非常感动。都说党中央心中有农民,解决农民问题有希望了。但从目前一些地方的实际情况看,有的地方和部门仍旧照常收款,甚至发生逼死人命的恶性案件。由此可见,能否把农民负担真正减下来,一个极其重要的问题就是规范政府行为,督促各级政府、各个部门管好自己的部门和单位,切实制止向农民乱摊派、乱收费、乱罚款的行为。 Reducing the peasants’ burden is a matter of great concern to the Central Party Committee and the State Council. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council jointly issued an urgent circular calling for all localities to freeze all their assessed contributions to the peasants, raising funds and charging fees. The peasants of this country are greatly touched. All say that there are peasants in the heart of the Party Central Committee and there is hope for resolving the peasant issue. However, from the actual conditions in some places at present, some places and departments still collect receipts as usual, and even vicious cases of mortal lives have taken place. From this we can see that whether the burdens on peasants can be really reduced or not can not be reduced. One of the most important issues to be solved is to standardize the government’s actions and urge all levels of government and departments to take good care of their own departments and units so as to effectively stop factional charges over peasants, arbitrary charges and fines the behavior of.
为了了解沙眼与包涵体性结膜炎的关系,作者等作了一系列的研究,本文报告分离病毒及粘膜刮片观察的结果。生殖泌尿道受 TRIC 病毒感染后,粘膜刮片所见的细胞学改变与眼结膜受
一次星期三晚上在网上例行研讨的时候,李校长和他的一些徒弟谈到“小组日记”这个名词。当时不明白,问了以后才知道,所谓小组日记,就是每个小组共写一本日记,组内成员每天依次轮流写。我立即意识到这对解决我的困难有用。  第二天,我如实和学生们交流他们天天写日记和我天天批改日记的种种问题和困难,就开始了关于小组日记的探索。没有想到,这一试就上瘾了。  最初,我很想在内容、字数等方面给同学们“指导”一番。想来
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