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我在南京有个做房地产广告的朋友,是个诗人。十月底的一天,他来找我。我们在水杉林里坐了会,他说对现在这个工作恶心得要命,感觉快忍受不了了,每天都在想着辞职,但又没钱了。我劝他坚持几个月,过年后再考虑换工作的事,很多公司在年底都不招人。我建议去紫金山上走走,这位朋友来到南京一年多,居然连中山陵和明孝陵都没去过。他说平时工作太忙,每天晚上都要加班到九十点,周末就是待在家里睡觉、看书,除此之外,不想干任何事情。 I have a real estate advertising friends in Nanjing, is a poet. One day in late October, he came to me. We sat down in the tress of Metasequoia. He said he was terribly disgusted with the job now and could not bear it any more. He was thinking of resigning every day, but he was out of money. I advise him to persist in a few months, after the New Year to consider changing jobs, many companies do not recruit people at the end. I suggest walking to the Purple Mountain, the friend came to Nanjing for more than a year, actually even the Sun Yat-sen and Ming Xiaoling never been to. He said that his work was too busy at ordinary times and he worked overtime until 90 o’clock every night. On the weekends, he was staying at home and reading books. In addition, he did not want to do anything.
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一年一度的父亲节即将来临,为人之子都会在父亲节那天为父亲祝福。奇异有趣的动物世界,有这么一群特别的“动物爸爸”们,他们担当起哺育、照顾后代的重任,在父亲节这一天,我们是不是也应该记住他们呢?让我们来认识一下这些“动物爸爸”们吧!    雄性帝企鹅——为孵蛋甘愿禁食    Emperor penguin: A father Emperor penguin withstands the Antarct
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